
One of the verses that hangs in the pavilion is 2 Timothy 1:6 Stir up the gift of God which is in you”. We read it after EP on the first day of camp, the girls see it every day as they sit in the pit. It is a part of the camp environment… and as I walked around looking in on classes yesterday it came to mind.

I saw girls throwing bowls on the wheel at ceramics, making kale crepes from scratch at cooking, melting glass rods to form beads, climbing the wall, scampering across the ropes course, paddling canoes, sailing boats… the list is exhaustive and amazing. This was the first day of class and they were doing everything!

First thought was “Props to the counselors”… they didn’t waste that first day, they made it count! Exactly what we practiced during our training.

Second thought, as I saw the girls grasping the new skills quickly and with flair, was “Props to God”. Camp is a great place to discover hidden gifts, skills or aptitudes that would otherwise never be enjoyed.

We love seeing the girls flourish in their classes. To see that flash of delight when a concept takes root, when a work of art is created, when a difficult skill suddenly clicks. It is true for camper and counselor alike (counselors discover their gifts just as much as campers) and it is part of the excitement that is evident in camp today.

We are loving our activities and building confidence in surprising ways (sometimes the best artist, the best climber, the best paddler is the youngest person in the class… shocking all). When you write your daughters, make sure you ask her what she is really enjoying of if she is really good at something. You might be surprised to discover a gift!

  • Weather: cloudy, warm, not much chance of rain
  • EP Tonight: “Protect your Counselor”. A really fun active camp wide challenge for cabin groups. It involves corn starch color and is REALLY FUN. The girls love getting covered in bright colored dust and having their pictures taken throughout the night.
  • Breakfast Club Joke: The skunk story baby skunks named in and out “in-stink”.
  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, hash browns, sausage
  • Lunch: Chicken Enchiladas
  • Dinner: Beef Stroganoff

Thanks for checking in. Things are going very well, we are having a blast.