
Friends make everything better. A nice restaurant is much more satisfying when enjoyed with a friend. The beautiful sunset more lovely, the comedy routine funnier, the card game more fun, and the book more engaging when shared with a friend. Friends are the “secret sauce” of life and friends make every day at camp AMAZING!

Breakfast Club this week will consider the subject of friends. How to make them, how to keep them, and what to do with them. Friendships are a big deal at camp, where it is not uncommon to see friendships that thrive for decades. Campers expect to make such friends this summer, and we expect they will succeed beyond their expectations.

Why is camp a great place to make a friend?

  • Camp is safe… a place where kindness is a currency. Such an environment encourages us to be vulnerable and transparent.
  • Camp is loving… A community that prays together and begins and ends the day with a verse of scripture. Thus, we find the Holy Spirit evident in all things. When a camp is joined in love, it becomes a powerful facilitator of friendships.
  • Camp is happy… we smile a lot. Don’t underestimate the power of a smile in forming a friendship!

There are lots of other reasons why it is easy to make friends at camp. One of the obvious ones is the density of our community. As a large camp, we provide many more possible friend groups because we assemble so many girls in one place. They find eachother in classes, assemblies, mealtimes, and free times. A quick conversation leads to a longer conversation: similar interests, backgrounds, or sense of humor make the connection grow with each encounter. They run into eachother on the way to someplace (flag, the pavilion, classes) and end up extending those brief encounters (sitting in the pit together and spending free time talking in the eno’s). By banquet day, they will have spent more quality time, had more good conversations, laughed harder, and cried more than with any friend they have ever had.

This process began on Monday and will continue till Banquet. Real friendships that will transcend time.

  • Breakfast: Hash Browns, Eggs, Sausage
  • Lunch: Poppyseed Chicken
  • Dinner: Laura’s Porkchops (thick cut, braized in savory sauce).
  • EP Lip Synch for B4-C12
  • Weather is delightful, slight chance of rain

We had our first devotion with Matt today… AMAZING!!! We share the audio on our website and it is well worth the time (today’s devo was only 5 or 6 minutes). We upload the audio file when we have time, so check frequently if you are a “devo junkie” like me!

Thank you for checking in. We are loving your girls!