
The gold standard of fast food is Chick-Fil-A. That is a statement of fact. They are outstanding in every way… and our campers and counselors agree. So when we want to reward the entire camp community with a treat, our first thought is always Chick-Fil-A for we know it will be a slam dunk success. This morning was a “reward” day: surprise delivery of steaming hot chicken biscuits (also gluten free, and meat free options) after morning assembly. The girls loved it… and their enthusiasm was for more than the food itself. They are filled with a lifetime of positive interactions with the people who work ar Chick-Fil-A.

People around here are passionate about their Chick-Fil-A and their feelings are mirrored about everywhere I go. Watch this video that was posted on YouTube last summer. This woman quite literally tears up as she RAVES about her great drive thru experience. It is a remarkable response and unique in my experience for fast food joints. Why do people love it so much?

It is bound to be more than the food, which while really tasty is not enough to bring tears to the eye. My guess is that you already know the secret: it is Kindness. Kindness shown by every person that works the floor. This attitude reflects the purpose of the company and the fact that their employees buy into that vision. Have you ever read the Chick-Fil-A Purpose Statement? It’s a good one:

“To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.”

Wow… That is EXACTLY what we say at Greystone!

One last plug… a camp dad shared this video with me last week. I think it is used in training their staff, a video about empathy and love… it is amazing too.

I don’t have any connection with the Cathy family but I do love their company. We share a purpose: to glorify God by being faithful servants. Nuff said.

Today is more warm (highs in the 80’s, which is normal), humid (60%), afternoon showers possible (normal), and breezy. It is a great day for activities and the girls are making the most of the time.

Tonight will be our Program Presentation night (all the classes that have performances will provide the entertainment). Everyone is looking forward to every EP, for each one is a bigger one than the night before. Anticipation grows with each day and culminates with Banquet on Thursday. The week is going to fly by… buckle up for the ride!

Breakfast: Hash Browns, Eggs, Sausage Links (the big ones) Snack: Chick-Fil-A Biscuits Lunch: Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches Dinner: Our Famous Pizza