
Last night we experienced a once in a lifetime moment at Greystone. Our biggest camper group ever (we think it is the record for the future as well) all squeezed into the pit for Opening Vespers. We wanted to do this for the for a very brief moment of glory… that moment when every candle is lit and held high. To have everyone in one spot (not spread around the benches on the side of the pit) intensifies the experience, and the effect was everything we could have hoped for. Spectacular, Awe Inspiring, Breath Taking, and Memorable. This is what Opening Vespers is all about! It was a home run EP that was appreciated by all.

What makes it more impressive is the description of the program.

  • Get Dressed in Whites (most girls don’t like uniforms).
  • Sit in absolute silence on an uncomfortable bench.
  • Hear a story.
  • Recite a verse with your cabin.
  • Light a candle, then blow it out about 30 seconds later.
  • Sing taps and hum it through softly.

Hundreds of girls sitting through an Opening Vespers service might not sound enticing but we have found this night to be a hit. The girls love it. They appreciated the beauty of the moment, the significance of continuing a 100 year old tradition, and the change of pace. It was nice to have a quiet night!

There wasn’t a whisper during the “keeper of the flame” story. Everyone recited their verses with confidence and remained silent during the breaks between cabin groups. They never broke the silence… these girls “get” the significance of the moment and celebrated that weighty quiet of so many people choosing not to whisper, giggle, or gasp. It was an awesome evening.

Today is another glorious sunny summer day. Warm temperatures, not much chance of rain, a light breeze… perfect camp weather. A great food day ahead of us:

  • Breakfast: Pancakes
  • Lunch: Hamburgers
  • Dinner: Chicken Bruschetta

Great memories of our 80’s dinner theme last night (Huge buy-in from the girls, almost everyone got dressed up despite having to put on whites for the Vespers after dinner). We played 80’s music, ate 80’s food, and danced in the aisles all through the meal. It was wild!

Thanks for checking in. Hope you are having a Great Weekend!

Congratulations to Chase Beeby & Virginia French (Team Captains) and to Kaela Steele & Anna Ruth Morrison (Lieutenants)!