Happy 100th Greystone! Junior Camp 2019

What an amazing opening morning! The weather was beautiful with not a cloud in the sky. We enjoyed meeting all of you who came to the Opening Day reception on the Dining Hall porch.

The girls are having a buffet lunch with their cabin groups, then will head to their cabins for rest hour. Many of them raised their hands high when asked if they had gotten up EARLY to come to camp. Rest Hour will be welcome today!

After Rest Hour, the campers will have a great Scavenger Hunt throughout camp. It is going to be fun and will include stops at: The Pool for Swim Check; Candy Shoppe; Dance Tent to have a picture taken and dance; Flag - to practice how to do flag at Greystone; Skee Ball under the Dining Hall porch; Jimball at the Pavillion; Watermelon Table behind the Dining Hall; and more!! The purpose of these games is to help the girls become familiar with where things are in camp. Tomorrow the girls start activities and will know how to find their way.

Our first seated dinner will be at supper tonight. We will have opening day Spaghetti, Fresh Baked Bread, a HUGE salad bar with lots of good veggies and there will also be a delicious dessert. We will then head to the Pavilion for our first night Evening Program Counselor Talent Show. Then off to the cabins to get ready for bed…devotions…and taps. Whew!

We are looking forward to a great week with your beautiful girls! Thanks for sharing them with us!