Countdown to the 100th: the 2000s

How can we be at this point?! This post is our last Countdown to the 100th post before we jump into our 100th summer! If you haven’t had a chance to explore our other 100th posts, set aside some time and get caught up! You will learn so much about Greystone history.

This month we are looking at the 2000s, a decade not that far removed from where we are today. A wide range of classes saw improvements during the 2000s, with many of those changes being ones that Greystone girls still love and appreciate today. If you are a current camper, you will see some similarities between life at camp in the 2000s and life at camp today. Let’s see what being a camper in the 2000s was all about!

Facility Improvements

If the 1980s and 1990s were known for their facility renovations, the 2000s took that trend and kicked it into high gear. Jimboy and Margaret continued making improvements to Greystone’s buildings and grounds, marking some of the largest additions and most extensive program expansions to date. Some highlights of these improvements included:

  • Weight room renovated and air conditioning added.
  • Cabin additions included an Upper Cabin 1 and addition of Bungalows 5 & 6 (the Villa). Porches added to connect Cabins 2 to 4 and Cabins 3 to 5.
  • Dining Hall expanded with new porch added and salad bar area integrated.
  • Front gate added and new stone Ebenezer’s erected.
  • A second diving-well pool added to the swimming facility.
  • New Ropes Course built.
  • Construction of a new Library in White Hall.

Technology at Camp

In 2000, Greystone became one of the very first camps to have an online blog space called The Grey Cafe. Program Director Kelly Carew painstakingly uploaded photos and wrote descriptions and updates, with the process often taking hours to complete. In 2002, Greystone added web photos for all parents to see. That first summer, camp uploaded 6558 total pictures.

Changes to Routine


During the 2000s, the Apple Hill area was cleared to make room for Overnights. Cabins went as groups up the hill and slept on covered decks or in the hammock rings. Girls often enjoyed a grilled dinner of hamburgers and hot dogs.

Opening Day

After many years of Greystone girls waiting in long lines to enter the front gate of camp, Greystone switched up its Opening Day routine, having campers enter through the back Staff entrance. This change also prompted the Bunk Run.

Derby Day

The Horse Show became a much bigger deal with the addition of the Derby Day celebration. Girls began wearing Derby style hats and dressing in their Sunday’s best to watch the Horse Show in style. Campers enjoyed a fancy feast, including whole cooked salmons.


A big change in mail happened in the 2000s when Greystone went Package-Free. Girls could now only receive letters from their families, and packages mailed to camp were returned. Parents breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Banquets of the 2000s

  • 2000: The Jungle Book
  • 2001: Peter Pan
  • 2002: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
  • 2003: The Little Mermaid
  • 2004: Aladdin
  • 2005: Mary Poppins
  • 2006: Beauty and the Beast
  • 2007: Charlotte’s Web
  • 2008: Annie
  • 2009: Peter Pan

Flagpole Dedicated to JimDaddy

Due to a bad storm prior to the 2007 summer, the long-standing wooden flagpole that had graced Greystone’s Pageant Court for many years finally fell down. A beautiful new metal flappole was erected, being used for the first time in 2007. At the first Flag ceremony of Main Camp, the flagpole was dedicated to Jim Miller III (JimDaddy) and a plaque in his honor was added to the stone work supporting the flag.

Shepherd’s Gazebo

When one of Greystone’s favorite hemlock trees needed to be cut down, camp came up with an alternative solution: the Shepherd’s Gazebo. Using the tree as the central support, the gazebo was built around the tree, creating a focal point in camp. Greystone added benches to the space, and these were etched with the words of Psalm 23, thus giving the Shepherd’s Gazebo its name.

Program Improvements

With many facility updates, the classes offered at Greystone just continued to improve. Two of the most popular improvements included:

  • Dog Camp: Nothing says fun like puppies, and Greystone girls fully embraced Camp’s newest class - Dog Camp. Girls loved playing, training, and walking these adorable puppies. At the end of the summer, Greystone families and friends would adopt these dogs, keeping them in the Greystone network, even after they went home.
  • Fine Arts: With the building of the Fine Arts center in the late 1990s, the artistic options available to campers greatly improved in the 2000s. Two of the biggest and most unique classes offered were Metal Jewelry and the Glass program. Under the tutelage of professional artists, campers created masterpieces while at camp.

Senior Celebration

Since the 1920s, the Queen’s Ball celebration has been a part of Greystone’s history and is a tradition enjoyed by all. In the 2000s, Greystone updated the beloved tradition, making it more relevant to its current group of campers. The name was changed to the Senior Celebration, and the event transformed into an evening celebrating all of Greystone’s senior campers. Cabins performed on stage together, often singing songs or acting out funny skits. The night then ended with the traditional announcement of the Queen and her Court.

You may have been a 2000s camper if you remember:

  • Olympic Evening Programs with campers competing against counselors.
  • Dances with the Rockmont boys and blowing all of the fuses with your hair dryer.
  • Cheerleading try-outs.
  • How challenging synchronized swimming became when the diving pool was added, as you could no longer touch the bottom.
  • Watching a water polo match on Watersports Day.
  • The cats that were part of the first year of Dog Camp, and how all of the campers were scratched constantly.
  • Decorating a cake in Cake Decorating class.
  • The addition of Sunday scavenger hunts.
  • Interviewing someone as part of the newly added Greystone Gazette literary magazine.
  • Putting camp’s first giveaway stickers on your trunk.
  • Having JimDaddy sign your Great Day book.
  • Watching Jimboy and Laura perform as cheerleaders.
  • Seeing Bill and Sandi Taylor get engaged at Evening Program.
  • Attending the August 2 session
  • When the big slide and trampoline were added to Waterpark.
  • Hearing Thor for the very first time.
  • Camp’s address switching from Tuxedo to Zirconia.