What A Mess!

Camp is a mess!

Let me go ahead and just say it, camp is a muddy mess. We have huge holes and deep ditches where there used to be lovely paths. The parking lots and all of our roads are completely torn up, the tennis decks have been demolished, the Shepherd Gazebo is gone, and there is no water in the lake! It is a mess… and we couldn’t be more excited!

Winter is always like this. We do these BIG, EXCITING projects when camp is closed. As soon as you leave we demolish so we can re-build better than ever. This is how we keep a 100 year old camp looking great! It is not pretty, but it is necessary (and fun)!

There are lots of messes around camp right now (The Health Hut, Cabins 2-5, West 3&4, Apple Hill Barn, Linen Hut, Dining Hall, Jimball Pit, Shepherd Gazebo, Pavilion Bathroom, and the Westgate House) but the biggest one is the Office Parking Lot. The new wastewater treatment system is completely underground and the main part is in the office parking lot! So obviously, it is a mess! The new “Centennial Plaza” is going to be awesome; a fitting tribute to our 100th Celebration Summer and a great place to gather with friends. I can’t wait to show you something more exciting.

All of our projects have the future in mind but none more than this one. Nobody wants to spend a lot of money on wastewater, but it is one of the most important projects we have ever done. It allows us to enter the second century of camp with confidence (old wastewater systems are often a big problem). Greystone is going to thrive in the 21st Century!

We will show you a lot more in the months to come. Soon things will no longer be a muddy mess… They will be jaw dropping inspirations!

So get excited! We can’t wait to show you all the new and improved areas of camp!