Growing in the Four-Fold Way in the Cold

When I saw that there were only 100 Days until the summer, I was blown away - this year has gone by so fast! For me, February is the “sweet spot” of the months leading up to camp - lots of fun planning going on, but it still feels like there’s time to get everything done! The not-so-sweet part of February? THE COLD!

Even though there’s wintery mix in the forecast for Tuxedo this week, I’m still choosing a Great Day Attitude. If you, like me, have goals you want to accomplish this year, I’ve put together a list of ways to live the four-fold way even in the cold!

Physical: Winter is the time where my commitment to growing physically, especially running outside, is majorly put to the test. I’ve found that making plans to run or work out with a friend not only gives me accountability to get out of bed early in the mornings when it’s frigid outside, but also gives me a chance to spend time with a friend. It’s a win-win!

Mental: To me, shorter days are an invitation to sit with good book and a cup of hot tea. When it’s dark and icy outside, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything by opening up the next book on my reading list and snuggling up on the couch! Take advantage of chilly winter days by reading for fun, not just for school!

Social: Here in Tuxedo there’s not much going on this time of year, which means it’s the perfect time to build a fire in White Hall or bundle up and go on a walk around camp. February can feel like a dead time, but consider it a chance to do things with friends that are the best kind of low-key. Think game nights with hot chocolate or making a pot of soup and having movie night! Every Greystone girl knows that it’s more about who you’re with than what exciting thing you’re doing!

Spiritual: For me, the time after the holidays but before the pre-camp rush starts is a great time to slow down and be intentional about trying something new. Whether that’s starting to journal, taking the 31 Day Prayer Challenge, or starting a new devo routine, February is a great time to create a new habit to help you grow spiritually.