Great Day Fund Centennial Sponsors

Anyone who has ever been a camper or a counselor at Greystone knows that camp is a very special place. A single summer can be the kind of experience that changes everything for a child. There is something magical about this process, but it is not magic, it is the obvious evidence of the Holy Spirit working in this place.

For 100 years God has gathered a perfect community to show His glory every summer. Each camper and counselor contribute a unique gift to this work, their contributions making each summer what it is. Without every one, it would not be as good! We value our campers very much for they are what make camp great. They are why we are here, and we want to assure that each one is able to attend camp if she wants to do so.

This is what the Great Day Fund was established to do. To provide camperships for girls whose families can not afford camp. Over the years we have admitted hundreds of girls who could not otherwise afford our tuition, and often they are the most passionate and engaged campers we have. We know how such campers impact the group and how powerfully God works in them. My father, Jim Miller III, would have been such a camper.

“Curly”, as he was known as a boy in Western Kentucky, didn’t come from a well-to-do family. His father was a coal miner who never graduated from high school and couldn’t afford more than the basics. My father knew that he would have thrived in a place like Greystone, and he knew that he would have been transformed by the experience. Not just socially, but spiritually.

It is appropriate that the Great Day Fund was established in his memory. He would be so happy to see it used. We think it is essential to the long term prospects of Greystone.

The Great Day Fund has mostly been funded by smaller donations (most counselors and many campers contribute to the fund every summer). We also celebrate the fact that the alumnae make a significant contribution every fall during the Alumnae Reunion weekend. These expressions of love and support are the foundation of the Great Day Fund, and we are very grateful.

Most private schools depend heavily on endowment funds to cover tuition income (20% of students at private school receive need based scholarships) but most camps do not offer that many scholarships (2%-5% of campers at private camps are given scholarships). We think that camp will eventually need to drastically expand our scholarship programs. The Great Day Fund will be a pillar of that effort. So, as we enter our Centennial Celebration we are asking for Centennial Sponsors.

Centennial Sponsors are those who contribute to the Great Day Fund in this very important Centennial year. Those who contribute a significant amount ($1,000 or more) in this Centennial year will be recognized with a permanent marker in a precious place: Council Fire.

When we renovate the Council Fire in 2020, we will place a bronze plaque with the names of each Centennial Sponsor giving over $1000.

There are four levels that will be recognized:

  • “Bless This Camp:” $1,000-$4,999
  • “Ding How:” $5,000-9,999
  • “Great Day Counsel:” $10,000-19,999
  • “Spirit of Greystone:” $20,000+

Donors giving between $1 - $999 will receive a gift in honor of their donation during our Centennial year. These donors will also be recognized in our Alumnae Sparks and on our website.

As you consider your giving plans this year, please prayerfully include Greystone in those deliberations. We are grateful for your support and appreciate gifts of any amount. Your tax deductible donation will bless camp and countless campers as God continues to use this place for His glory.

Become a Sponsor

Provide a campership for a family in need.

Donate Today!

To read more about Centennial Sponsorship and to see renderings of the new Council Fire, make sure to visit our Centennial Sponsorship page.