Camp-Inspired Christmas Traditions

As someone with several summers at camp under my belt, I’ve spent lots of time thinking about how to take camp home with me. How do I keep growing in the four-fold way throughout the year? How can I connect intentionally with my family and friends in that way that’s so normal at camp but can be elusive outside of the Bubble? Christmastime is a great season to experience the growth and relationships of camp in a new way. I’ve thrown out some ideas for camp-inspired Christmas traditions, but I encourage you to take time to think about ways that you can bring camp into your life this Christmas!

Make a camp recipe to share! A big part of camp is taking time to slow down and eat together.Opening Day scones or Solveig’s egg bake on Christmas morning? Yes please! Giving granola to your teachers/friends/mailman/barista? Definitely!

Take time to read the Christmas story. Even as an adult, I love the Jesus Storybook Bible, especially the simple but powerful way it tells of Jesus’s birth!

Get out your favorite games! Sarah Brown came up with a great list of the best board games out there. Embrace family time by putting away your phone and grabbing a game!

Play some Christmas music! Early this Christmas season, I wrote a blog post sharing two different Christmas playlists - one for contemplating the meaning of the coming of Christ and one suited for a Christmas party! There’s no better way to set the mood for any kind of Christmas tradition.

Take a walk! In my opinion, tech-free walks with friends are one of the most underrated camp activities. Sure, you might not be headed to Shoppe in your Chacos and shorts, but a walk around the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights can be just as great!

Light a candle. Extra points if it’s your Vespers candle from June or August Camp! Just like at camp, pick out a few verses about Jesus as the light of the world and take some quiet time to think about them.

Do you have any special, camp-inspired Christmas traditions? Let me know in the comments - I’d love to hear about them!