Why We're Thankful for Our Campers

There are many, many people who make camp great - and our campers are foremost among them! Campers, we love y’all so much - here are just a few of the reasons why!

You’re not afraid to try new things. One of the great things about camp is that in the course of a single day, you can go from trying your hand at glass beads to learning synchro to climbing the leap of faith to performing in the play! I love that Greystone girls are willing to try new things and have new experiences. Outside the Bubble, attempting a new skill for the first time can be so intimidating that sometimes people don’t even try! I love that our campers willingly jump in to try something they’ve never done before.

You bring great ideas to camp. As someone who has spent many hours reading and tallying survey results, I’m always impressed at the keen eye Greystone girls have for making camp even better. Whether that’s starting Jersday, creating a cabin spa night, or suggesting which songs to put on cabin iPods, camp is always fun and exciting because of y’all!

You are kind to one another. To be on Head Staff at camp is to countless tiny moments of kindness in a day. Whether it’s volunteering to get seconds in the Dining Hall, giving a friend a hug when her day isn’t going well, or helping a cabinmate with her job during clean-up time, Greystone campers are endlessly unselfish and kind. What a gift to be able to experience that every day during the summer!

Y’all are creative. From some amazing art projects (for real, some of y’all need to start Etsy stores) to hilarious talent show acts to creating a new card game for your cabin, our campers are constantly wowing us with their creativity!

We get to see y’all grow in the Four-Fold way. One of the best parts of having been at camp for a while now is getting to see campers grow mentally, socially, physically, and spiritually, both over a summer and over years. There are too many ways to list what this can look like at camp - making new friends, talking about your counselor’s devo with her, attempting to run Stumblers for the first time ever! Growth can look a lot of different ways, and it’s a huge blessing to have a front-row seat to it!

I could go on and on forever about all of the reasons we love our campers, but let’s be honest - y’all are on a break from school and the last thing you want to do is read a long essay! We’re counting the days til we see your bright faces again, but in the meantime, know we are so very thankful for you!