The Ultimate Cabin Reunion Planning Guide

For so many Greystone girls, Christmastime is cabin reunion season! Whether you’re going down the street or across the country, time with camp friends is always worth it! I’m a big believer that nothing is a substitute for time in person with the people who know you and love you the most. This Reunion Planning guide will help you get started!

Strategically pick a location. If you’re lucky, there’s somewhere within driving distance of everyone. If you happen to live far away from your camp friends, fear not - picking someone’s fun hometown to visit is great!

Plan, but not too much. The very best part of a cabin reunion is long, uninterrupted DMCs. Plan a couple of things to take advantage of the city or town that you’re in, whether that’s trying a great taco spot or going on a hike! Just remember that less is more - there’s nothing like an extended catch-up in the comfort of someone’s couch!

Pick a camp recipe to make together! In keeping with the less-is-more idea, there’s nothing I love more than a slow breakfast with friends. And if you’re lucky, with a steamy cup of Gerv’s coffee. Some of my favorite camp breakfast recipes - Opening Day scones (or as one camper told me she calls them, Greyscones), Solveig’s egg bake, or even fresh-baked granola!

Make it a point to grow together! When you spend time with your camp friends, even outside the Greystone gates, it can feel like you’re back in the Bubble! A camp reunion can be a great time to re-focus on what’s important and encouraging one another to grow spiritually. You can create cabin prayer partners - we do this on Head Staff, and it’s a great way to pray intentionally for one another. On our website, we’ve got tons of resources - you could start a Bible study as a cabin!

Say thank you! Do you and your friends keep talking about someone who made a difference in your camp experience? Let them know! Send them a video, write them a note - anything to tell them about the difference they’ve made for you. Same deal if anyone has made your cabin reunion especially great - be sure to thank anyone who’s hosted, cooked, or contributed to sweet time with your camp friends!