Games To Play Over the Holidays

Only a week to go until Thanksgiving, and we are still basking in such a feeling of THANKFULNESS over here at camp as we look back at last summer and anticipate next summer. We hope that you are your family are gearing up for some great family time!

Over the holidays, our family loves to play games. Playing games with our family always reminds me of Card Games class at camp, a camper favorite! There are some “camp favorite” games for sure, and I’ve included some of those below.

So, as the holidays are nearing, here are some of our family favorite games, and also ones that YOU love to play with your camp friends each summer:

Tenzi: If you’ve ever been to one of our Main Camp Casino nights, you’ve probably played Tenzi. Makes a great stocking stuffer, and you can play in so many different ways. We’ve also played LCR at camp, which is also a dice game and very easy to play.

Superfight: We introduced Superfight at a few of our different events this summer, and it was a hit. Best played with a big group with lots of personality (or that you’re hoping will show their personality), it’s a really fun game. We love this one at camp.

Pit: A loud and fast game, this is also a camp favorite. This card game is nice in that it is really luck-based and doesn’t involve a ton of strategy. Our staff gets competitive playing this game (throwing elbows competitive), and it is always entertaining to watch a game.

Sleeping Queens: This is a personal family favorite that we started playing when our oldest was six. It was good fit for that age, but we still play countless rounds today. Our oldest really enjoys this game and pulls it out often. Very fun and different from any other games we have.

Mexican Train Dominos: My oldest came home from camp talking nonstop about this game, so we had to add it to our collection. A Card Games class favorite!

Guess Who: This is a fun game for younger children (but one that I don’t mind playing too), and is easy to play. If you haven’t played in a while, check it out.

Dragonwood: A fun dice and card based game that involves ogres, dragons, trolls, swords, and more. This is hands down our current favorite. We play this almost every day right now, and I look forward to playing it too.

Exploding Kittens: Talk about a Card Games class favorite! This game is funny, and our campers just laugh playing it. You will love it too.

Codenames: Older campers will enjoy Codenames, a fun game where you work together in pairs (great for families to see how well you communicate with someone). They have a fun Disney version that we enjoy in our family.

Rummikub: A camp-inspired game list wouldn’t be complete without Rummikub! I grew up playing this game at my grandma’s house every year, and now I love seeing camp groups playing after dinner each night. It’s a slower paced game with some strategy involved, but easy to pick up.

Bananagrams: Campers also love playing Bananagrams. I remember playing this for the first time in Cabin 10E when I was a Group Leader. It was loads of fun then, and girls still enjoy it now. Easy to carry with you (fits in your purse) so you can play anytime.

Anomia: This is the only game on this list that I haven’t played, but I was assured that our Card Games class loves this one. It sounds a lot like Superfight to me (in that you face off with other players); going to add this one to my Christmas list! (And, looks like there is a children’s version too!)

Blokus: Blokus is a fun strategy based game. The first time I played it, I thought my husband and I were just playing a nice friendly game after dinner, only to find out that he took me to the cleaners and continues to revel in that victory. Next time we played, I came in much more prepared.

Dutch Blitz: Whenever I can find a large enough group to play Dutch Blitz, I am always up for a game (it’s hard to play with just two people). It’s fast paced, fun, and once you get the hang of it, you’ll want to play over and over too. A Card Games class favorite!

Catchphrase: This game is borrowed from our Lower Office game shelf all the time, and there’s not doubt why. It’s a fun group game, and cabins love playing during free time.

Hedbanz: A game similar to many you can now play with your phone, we love this tech-free version at camp. Great for groups and a good way to break the ice.

If you have younger siblings, or are buying gifts for little nieces or nephews (think 3 – 5 years old), check out these favorites from the past few years in our family: EIEI Go, Alphabet Slap, Don’t Break the Ice, Busytown’s Eye Found It, and Pop the Pig.

And for this year, we have our eyes on a few games we are hoping Santa will bring: Go Nuts for Donuts, Dr. Eureka, Clumsy Thief, Heads Talk Tails Walk, Mastermind and 6 Nimmt. We’ve never played any of these, but all have come highly recommended from friends.

These are just a few of our favorites, but I know our Greystone family has many favorites as well. What games would you recommend for some holiday playing?