Top 10 Reasons to Work on Staff this Summer

1. See what the Lord is doing at camp - and be a big part of it! For over 100 years, the Lord has been at the center of this place - he has protected it, sustained it, and used people like YOU to make it great! At Greystone, we aim to celebrate and glorify our good and loving God. It’s an amazing thing that allows us to look beyond ourselves and selflessly serve each other and our campers - you’ll be amazed at how sweet camp is because of it!

2. Make lots of new friends. With a staff of nearly 200 and 500 campers each at June, Main, and August, the friend prospects are pretty much unlimited! When you work together, eat together, live together, and worship together, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you become close friends with other counselors and campers!

3. Gain skills. Forget waiting tables or making copies in an office - camp will grow your communication and leadership skills more than you could’ve ever dreamed. From teaching classes to leading Sunday school lessons to helping campers in your cabin work through conflict, you’ll have the opportunity to lead in ways that are probably unlike anything you’ve ever done before.

4. Have fun! Dance parties? Yes. Slip n slides? Also yes. Rolling down the pageant court? Definitely! While camp is hard work - probably the hardest work you’ll ever do - it’s also so much fun! Put on the craziest costume you can find just for fun - this is a judgement free zone!

5. Be challenged. Putting yourself last doesn’t always feel natural - that’s where the growth comes from! Being away from home investing in campers for ten plus weeks is incredibly rewarding, but also challenging. Looking back at the summer, you’ll be amazed at how much you’ll grow in those ten weeks - not in spite of the challenges, but because of them!

6. Unplug! Put your phone and laptop away and experience the joy of face-to-face connection. Without technology to hide behind when we feel uncomfortable, our relationships grow so much deeper as we learn how to be open and vulnerable with each other.

7. Do things you could never do at home! At Greystone, we’re “go big or go home” people. Sure, you can go camping, but have you ever slept under the stars in a group of 600? From foam pit dance parties to amazing fireworks, we love to celebrate and enjoy living in this community together!

8. Staff swag. Let’s be honest - our counselors get some pretty great swag. Our Staff Store is legendary, and it’s likely that by the end of the summer, you’ll be dressed head to toe in some fantastic Greystone gear.

9. Work for people who really care about you! Our Head Staff team has one goal - to help our campers and counselors have a fun and growth-filled summer at camp! As a counselor, you’ll have so many people in your corner when you’re looking for a pep talk or need help with a situation in camp. We’ve been in your shoes before, and nothing is as important to us as giving you the tools to succeed at camp!

10. It’s an amazing adventure! Camp is a beautiful place filled with great people, and most importantly, Christ’s love! Even if you’ve been at camp before, every summer is a unique experience, and is filled with new opportunities. If you’re up for the adventure, check out our staff application - we’d love to get to know you!