Camp Inspired Random Acts of Kindness

An old counselor once said that Greystone is a place where “kindness is a currency.” We couldn’t agree more. Greystone campers are just nice – sweet to each other, sweet to their counselors – it is one of the special parts of the camp experience. Why not take some of that kindness home with you? Try one of these camp inspired random acts of kindness this month!

Collect the plates for your waiter like we do in the Dining Hall. We surely know how to clean a table at camp; make your waiter’s day extra special by helping to clean when you go out to eat one night.

Make a commitment to smile at everyone you see like we do at Breakfast Club. What if you smiled at everyone you saw at school this coming Monday? Do you think you could do it? Make some eye contact and just smile – it may be exactly what someone needs that day.

Send a letter to a friend through the mail. You had plenty of opportunities to write good ‘ole fashioned letters during the summer; keep that going by writing a letter to a friend – even better, a camp friend. Tell her why she is special and what you admire about her.

Practice those job wheel skills and clean the bathroom one day without your parents asking. Don’t think you’ll enjoy the bathroom? Why not take out the trash, spray down those sinks and mirrors, or even just clean up your bed at home? You’ve got some major cleaning skills after your job wheel days at camp.

Write thank you notes to your mailman and garbage truck drivers. In Jimboy’s last Morning Assembly devotion of the summer, he encourages us to be the person who returns to say “thank you” – why not try it out with some of the community helpers who make your life easier? Add a little Halloween candy to that letter, and they will be extra grateful.

Invite a friend over for a DMC. We love a good face-to-face, one-on-one conversation at camp, and taking the time to listen to someone surely shows that you care. You can even take that DMC on a walk around your neighborhood to add in some physical growth.

Speak words of encouragement when you see a friend working hard and succeeding. We do this well at camp! When fellow cabin mates are in the talent show, play productions, horse shows and more, you are there, cheering them on…often with handmade signs. Keep that supportive trend going at home – go cheer on your friends in what they are doing!

Pick up trash when you see it on the ground. Even though you won’t collect points for your team when you are at home, pick up that trash anyways. What a great kindness to others, making that space look its best for people to enjoy.

Celebrate the things worth celebrating. We like a good celebration at camp! When it’s your friend’s birthday, why not make her a birthday t-shirt for everyone to sign at school? When your team has been practicing and finally finishes playing that last game, see if the coach will let you bring some confetti poppers. Celebrate the good!

What other acts of kindness can you take home with you this year?