Tuesday Update

Breakfast Club today switched to our last theme… Spiritual Growth. You might have first thought it surprising to learn that we spend time “teaching” abstract concepts at camp. Camp is a place that is all about fun and friendships, why do we take time to talk about “growth”?

Because it adds to the camp experience. Greystone is about a lot more than fun. We want it to be a place marked by life enhancing epiphanies and beneficial character development. Such things are sometimes enhanced by “connecting the dots” of the many monents enjoyed in this wonderful world. We live happier lives and are more connected with our friends and family if we practice growth in the four fold way. Social, Physical, Mental, and Spiritual growth are all a part of a well rounded life. Camp is a place where we experience intentional growth in an effective way.

Campers don’t want a lot of talk, but they do appreciate the time. They listen attentively and they take our suggestions seriously. We hope you will notice their growth when you see them on Friday!

We talk about God a lot at camp (morning assembly devotions and nightly cabin devotions). We pray before meals, after assemblies and evening programs… it is clear that we put a big emphasis on God but we are not a “Church Camp”.

Camp shapes a “perfect world” for the campers. We control most details of the daily experience so we deliberately choose what things to include based on what will make our community better. Dr. Sevier believed that glorifying God was the “Chief end of man” and we still hold this truth. It is a good way to live… you can see it in the beautiful spirit that fills camp every summer. This spirit makes Greystone a Great camp!

So today I spoke to the girls about Spiritual Growth, a character trait that is closely tied to having a Great Day. My suggestion was to talk to God as if He were a regular person. That is what prayer is… talking to God… naturally including Him in the life you are living, being thankful and talking through difficult moments. God is a person and we can talk to Him if we choose to do so. We hope that the girls will want to be close to God, prayer is a great place to start!

The Talent Show was a big hit. Tonights Production Night will be another crowd pleaser! All the dance, drama, music, cheerleading, guitar, jump rope, and juggling classes will perform routines learned at camp this summer. It is a celebration of accomplishment and a great show!

  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Grits, Bacon
  • Lunch: Contest Winner!!! Baked Chicken with Pesto, Pasta with tomatoes and basil
  • Dinner: Corn Dogs, French Fries, Key Lime Pie

We do contests in the winter… One of these contests was asking girls to suggest a favorite meal for the camp. We picked one winner from each camp session, today the August winner (Alice from Dothan, AL) is helping the Kitchen prepare her winning dish. It is very exciting for the girls and very helpful to us (we are always looking for crowd pleasing menu suggestions). Baked Chicken Breast with Pesto, Pasta with Basil and fresh tomatoes… sound good to you? Every meal so far this summer has been amazing! We will have to do this contest every year!

Thank you for reading.