
Is it already Sunday? Wow… that was fast!

Before I begin, let me tell you about the “pranks” at camp yesterday. Actually… there were no pranks! In one of those situations that occasionally happen in a camp filled with young girls, a rumor started and spread like wildfire. The rumor was that there were lots of cabins being pranked and that the police had been called. That two girls were sent home, and that it was still happening! Every reported incident was investigated, no incidents were found to have merit. A paper towel that had not made it into the trashcan, a smudge on a door poster, a pair of shoes in the middle of the floor- the number of “incidents” was quite overwhelming! It was nothing! So if you get a letter, know that it is nothing to be concerned about. The police were not called and no girls were sent home. Whew… imagine what our day was like!

It has been a very active week, days packed with routines that draw us from moment to moment with hardly time to catch our breath. To have a day that is deliberately slower paced is a delight to us all. Of course, at camp the “slower” pace is still pretty active.

Anyone who does not want to sleep in gathers at the track for a running club (Greystone Stumblers) at 8:00. You would think such a thing would not be popular, but it is a HUGE hit. About 400 girls rolled out of bed and walked down to the track in a heavy fog. The fog was dense enough to coat our skin with little droplets as we warmed up before the run. They showed up oto run or walk three miles before breakfast. We play music, talk, laugh, drink water, and do a little exercise. It is fun and the girls LOVE getting the prize (the 2018 Stumblers t-shirt).

Breakfast is a light buffet of muffins, fruit, cereal, and juice. Then it is time for a thorough clean up the cabins, showers, Sunday School, and Church. Our traditional Sunday worship time is led by our minister, David Speakman, and we look forward to it. Church is great for the same reason camp is great. We know each other very well and the love of Jesus flavors these relationships day after day. We have laughed, cried, played, and prayed together in a way that binds us together strongly.

This unity finds a particular strength in worship, so we expect that the girls will love the time.

My Great Grandfather was a minister and he built a high view of worship into the camp tradition. We continue it to this day not out a sense of tradition but with a goal of excellence. We find Sundays to be hugely restorative and good for the “feel” of camp. Camp is better because we run it for the Glory of God.

After church we will gather for a big lunch (lasagna and ice cream sundays), take a long nap, then have Challenge Day! The odds and the evens will compete by cabin groups, doing lots of fun relay races and fun games all afternoon. We top the day off with a big picnic, then comes the icing on the cake: a really fun Movie Night EP.

This next week will be a fast paced, well orchestrated, giant exclamation point on a wonderful summer. It is going to go by in a blink… closing week always does… and every day is bigger than the one before. The girls ae in for a treat! We can’t wait!

Thank you for checking in.