Council Fire & Closing Vespers

Tonight we will assemble in the oldest area of camp (the Council Fire Ring) to talk about “important things” and award patches to girls who passed levels in their classes. We will then adjourn to the pagent court and light our candles for our last Vespers. It marks a poignant moment for the counselors who have been here all summer as we see this chapter of a wonderful book closed. The campers will probably just think it’s exciting! Campers won’t tear up at the mmoment, but they will appreciate the Me-Me Bird story and the lighting of 600 candles.

How often are we struck by the magnificence of a moment? At camp we set aside time to appreciate moments of beauty or significance. A breathtaking sunset, a strong wind that forshadows the afternoon thunderstorm, a flock of geese landing on a still lake, a warm feeling that fills the heart when holding hands on the way to class. At home we often don’t notice such moments because we don’t pay attention.

Tonight we will pay attention… for one minute… and that is enough. Beautiful experiences are often short lived; this will certainly be true tonight. The campers will light their candles and hold them high in a moment of surprising beauty. The campers watch with rapt attention. It is just a minute, but a moment that will be remembered for a lifetime.

The simple lessons of camp endure, for they arise from enduring principles. We learn how to live life well. We hope the girls have experienced the joy of life and hope they will cherish those memories when they return home.

Today will have a full day of classes. We are finishing our projects, passing our levels… then go back to our cabins to start packing up. We pack today so we can be prepared for the day after tomorrow (as you know, it takes time!). There will be long hot soapy showers over the next two days. There will be countless trips to Lost and Found. And there will be joy in every moment.

Tonight begins the culmination of a joyous session. Our lit candles focuses our attention on the time we have shared and we are struck by how quickly it passed… I am stunned that the summer is drawing to a close.

Thank you for making Greystone a part of your summer.

  • Breakfast - French Toast and Sausage
  • Lunch: Chicken Fingers and Waffle Fries
  • Dinner: Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Roasted Broccoli

Make sure you scroll down to the video… it was made by campers in the video class and is really great! They made a “scary” movie— ENJOY!

Have a GREAT DAY everyone!

A “Scary” Video Made By Campers!