
The rain is over! The sky is blue, the sun shines brightly, and all is well with the world! Everything changed in an instant yesterday afternoon at 1:29 PM. We were eating lunch and as the sun broke through the clouds the entire camp erupted in a huge cheer! So exciting!

We enjoyed our afternoon classes with gusto, campers and counselors alike soaking up the sun with delight. Every detail of the afternoon stood out as special: the watermelon was sweeter, the free time more relaxing,the pizza more savory. Even flag lowering was fun (the girls giggling and hardly able to stand still). Team Fires have never been more enthusiastic. Everyone went to sleep quickly, completely tired out and looking forward to the next day.

Today we celebrate the successful completion of our first week at camp with a big carnival! The girls absolutely LOVE the carnival… it has always rated as the second most favorite EP of the session (first is Banquet), and it is easy to see why. Our carnival is a blow out celebration of food and fun. We have significantly upgraded the carnival this year, more food, more rides, more time. It is going to be a blast!

A few things that I consider big deals:

  • No Picnic… Food will be eaten as they like… getting as much “real” food as they want (we limit junk food). It is much better than the “old” bbq picnic kick off (the girls didn’t eat much as they waited for the fun to begin). The food court will open at the same time as the rides, so about half the camp goes to the rides and half gets food… so no long lines! When hungary, just dash over and get what you want!
  • French Fries… nothing is better than hot french fries, we serve them in cute paper bowles piping hot. We even have roaming french fry counselors (taking bowls of fries to the girls in other lines).
  • Funnel Cake… continued to be the favorite food item.
  • Grilled cheese… getting a hot grilled cheese right off the griddle, then getting some fresh BBQ (served in cute bowls with slaw and corn bread)… put the bbq on the grilled chese sandwich… YUM!
  • Corn Dogs… nuff said
  • Cotton Candy, cookie decorating, sno-cones, nacho’s with cheese
  • The rides will be awesome (three new inflatable rides, each one will be a big hit).
  • Dance Contest… We finish with a camp wide dance contest. It is amazing to see so many girls jumping around with such glee. Immediately after the dance contest winner is announced we run back to our cabins to get cleaned up and ready for bed. Sleep will come quickly. The carnival is exhausting in a good way!

So today begins the one week countdown. One week from yesterday we will be home, a fact that catches everyone off guard. Each class has a laser focus on finishing projects and passing levels. Each night will feature bigger and bigger EP’s. We feel a sense of accomplishment and a sense of excitement, minutes pass like seconds and days disappear in an instant. Camp is going great and we are loving every minute!

Thanks for checking in. Don’t worry about a thing!