Birthday Ball

A beautiful blue sky, warm sunshine, cool breeze coming off the lake… some days are really heavenly; this is one!

The girls have settled into camp life, a process that always takes about a week’s time. They managed Sundays slower pace with ease (anyone who is not yet adjusted to camp needs a lot of help on Sundays… but these girls were great). They jumped into the Challenge Day activities with enthusiasm and when the winners were announced at breakfast (the Even team, by a hair!) they cheered with all their might.

Camp is so much fun. Fun for everyone! Part of the fun comes from the routines of the day (bugles and bells signal mass movements every day, all day). There is a joy to mastering such a complicated world! Girls walk to class, often in groups of 2 or 3, holding hands and chatting without pause. They run to their cabins at free time (looking forward to tether ball, card games, and showers). They anticipate each meal, guessing the menu based on what they see and smell at the Dining Hall. They mark off each day with attention paid to the EP, knowing that every one is bigger and better than the one before. It makes for a very engaging community that is fun to see and hard to understand.

Most tours that we give are marked by two sentiments:

  • Vistors are encouraged by how nice everyone is (campers and counselors run up and want to tell them about camp).
  • They are entranced by the busy hive of activity that happens when the bell rings (with the first ring, girls run in every direction… it is crazy!).

We are really proud of these girls. They are amazing campers!

Tonight we will celebrate the birthday girls… any camper who has had or will have her birthday while at camp gets dressed up and takes a seat at the head table with Dr. Margaret and me. We give them little presents (a nice turkish towel, fun “pineapple sippy cup”, and a birthday card). The Group Leaders serve our plates and fill our cups and we eat as much cake as we want! After dinner the birthday girls are the guests of honor at our nicest EP of the session… the Camper Talent Show. It will be a long show (it is a very talented camp) that will be a huge hit with the girls.

Food today:

  • Breakfast: Waffles and Sausage
  • Lunch: Ham and Cheese Sandwiches
  • Dinner: Cheese Ravioli, Meatballs

Thank you for checking in.

August Camp Rocks!!!