A Little Rain

We are going to get a little rain this week… probably off and on for the next three days. Some might think that this is a bad thing for camp but such thinking is completely wrong. Rainy days CAN be the best days of camp or they can be the absolute worst… as in all things, it is just a matter of how you deal with it. At camp we welcome most circumstances that are less than ideal. These moments provide opportunity for growth and such opportunities are awesome!

Circumstances always change (not always for the better) and when change occurs we draw upon coping skills learned in our youth. Those skills equip us to successfully adapt. The lack of coping skills weaken our capacity to thrive in challenging times… we might retreat into our shell not knowing how to deal with our yucky feelings in that critical moment. A person who is good at adapting to change will be resilient: equipped to positively engage in changing circumstances with contentment. Camp is one of the best places to develop this character trait.

This is how we deal with homesickness. Homesickness certainly CAN be a bad experience, but homesickness at camp usually provides very positive growth experience… it builds resilience (one the most useful character traits in life). We welcome the uncomfortable feeling that comes when a camper thinks of home in a wistful way. She has a sad thought, experiences a sad feeling in her heart, works through it (often by writing a letter to mom), and moves on the the next fun thing in the day. This process of self “adjustment” is a component of any good camp experience.

I bring it up because of the dreaded homesick letters that some of you (perhaps many of you) will get in the next few days. If you want to check out our take on the homesick theme, read this blog on Resilience from 2016. It more fully fleshes out what homesickness looks like at camp and explains how we determine what course of action to follow. There are very few girls who will get homesick while they are here so don’t get too worried… but know that we always call and let you know if your camper is not adjusting to camp in a healthy way. You can always reach out if you have a concern (our Group Leaders are happy to help!).

At EP last night a heavy rain shower hit just as we were concluding the program. The girls were absolutely delighted! A hundred girls ran onto the lawn and played in the downpour. They caught raindrops in their upturned mouths and danced in circles with squeals of delight. They rolled down the hill in groups and splashed in mudpuddles. Such a great thing to see! I wish we had pictures… it would make you smile.

Camp has a very good feeling… a feeling of joy is evident in every corner of the community. We couldn’t be more pleased.

Breakfast Club was on Social Growth and today we talked about the magic of a smile. We encourage the girls to smile a lot at camp, making eye contact with a big smile is a sure way of starting a new friendship. The joke was “A Grazing Mace How Sweet the Hound”. They loved it!

The Food Today:

  • BREAKFAST: scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausage, home made toast, and all the normal stuff (cereal, oatmaal, fruit bar, Berries, Greek yogurt, homemade granola).
  • LUNCH: BLT sandwiches, Kettle Chips
  • DINNER: Sausage Macaroni Casserole, green beans

EP will be the Cabin Lip Synchs. The girls are really excited about seeing the acts… with an extra day of practice, the show will be great!

Thank you for checking in.