A Bit More

We continue to press on with a great attitude, but the intermittant showers continue to impact camp life. Our towels, shoes, socks, and shorts are wet. We dodge mudpuddles as much as we play in them. And classes are just now bringing out their “rainy day” plans (special activities planned to be used only if absolutely necessary). Camp morale is high with the girls singing loudly in the dining hall and running to class with big smiles and joyful eyes, but we are (of course) looking forward to a change in the weather pattern.

This change should occur today. The rain system that is impacting the entire eastern part of the country is slowly moving out and will be replaced with standard NC weather (scattered showers every day). Frankly, we would be fine with rain every day but we are very excited to hopefully feel the sunshine again soon.

Weather is really noticed at camp. We do not have Air Conditioning, we don’t even have windows in most of the cabins… so every change in weather is appreciated. A slight change of humidity, temperature, or barometric pressure often becomes a topic of conversation. The girls love watching the rain approach from the western mountains (we can often see it move slowly across the lake before it hits camp). We enjoy sunsets (sunset is perfectly timed with the end of EP every night) and we love hot lazy days. One of the benefits of this session has been the very comfortable temperatures that come with the ever present rain (80 degrees… perfect for play).

So don’t worry about us. We are doing fine!

At Breakfast Club this morning a heavy rain shower hit as I began my “short story”. These waves of rain typically only last 30 minutes, so I made it a “long story”! Hare Spray (a camper favorite) proved to be a great diversion. I finished the story in 29 minutes, putting us a bit behind schedule but allowing the rain to pass. The slight change of routine was appreciated by all!

  • Breakfast: Fried Ham, Croissants
  • Lunch: Shepard’s Pie, mashed potatoes and roasted corn
  • Dinner: Pizza!

You really should check out the video we made a couple years ago… I posted it below. The effort to make almost 400 pizza’s by hand is hard to imagine. The kitchen considers it a game and has a blast in the madness. This will be our last pizza night of the year, a moment for celebration indeed! The girls absolutely love pizza (no surprise) and if we have clear skies for EP, they are going to go wild!

EP is a raucous, crazy, outside event… Team Fires. The girls are whipped into a frenzy by the counselors who go crazy over the magnificence of being on the odd or even team. Lots of green and lots of gold shirts, hats, tutu’s, socks, shorts, and face paint… it is fun and it is fast paced (moving from cheers to games then gathering for a big finale moment with both teams showing unity and harmony as the sunset paints the sky). If it happens to be raining, we will just do it inside…

Thanks for checking in. We hope you have a great weekend!

Pizza making: a kitchen favorite!