Well Done

We have all felt the sublime satisfaction of that brief moment when a task has been completed to a high level of expectation. My father used to say “You have to pay the price for the promise of the prize”… so true.

These days are marked by a warm glow in the hearts of many of those in our community. Their demeanor shows a genuine sense of accomplishment, for there are goals being met and exceeded every day at this point in the summer. Plays, Productions, Shows, and routines all represent mountain top moments for some in our community. It is glorious to live in a place that is full of so many people who are justifibly satisfied with life.

Today is Prize Day! Our final Stumblers, the day when T-Shirts (the currency of camp) are handed out to all who ran at least three times this summer. It is a day marked by a huge turnout (a solid 400 in attendance). It was a morning marked by very enthusiastic girls having a great time while sweating in the bright morning sun of another perfect summer day.

Last nights Watershow was really beautiful. The biggest syncronized swimming exhibition we have ever done (about 200 campers participating) and made for a really wonderful ending of a really wonderful day. The girls enjoyed snacks by the pool as they watched a diving exhibition before the show. The weather was perfect, a huge show ending thunderstorm not even getting close to Tuxedo (whew!). The huge storm clouds reflected a glorious organge glow as we walked back to our cabins. Golden memories indeed!

Today we will enjoy a quiet Sunday. Most will stop by the Fine Arts Center to visit the Art Show. This tradition has become a most anticipated part of our summer with literally hundreds of works on display. Some will anxiously prepare for upcoming shows (the horse show and senior play are tomorrow), some will compete in the riflery and archery tournaments, and most will be filled with that warm afterglow that comes from a job well done. The summer is winding down and it is time to reflect on what we have done.

Many will begin their “Plane Letters”. Plane Letters are a glorious tradition… one we should all embrace during life’s transition moments. The idea is to write a sincere letter of appreciation… a letter of love. Camp plane letters are not read plane untill we have left camp, often while cuddled up in the comfy back seat of mom’s car about an hour after departure. Tears often accompany a plane letter. Warm memories of moments past and warm hopes for moments yet to come… plane letters elicit complex emotions indeed. Camp is better for them! We rightfully treat plane letters as treasured possessions.

Tonight we will have a Council Fire. I will tell the “ME-ME Bird” story, we will tap a few girls to serve on the Honor Council, departments will hand out hundreds of awards, and the last Spirit of Greystone awards will be presented. The fire will burn down to embers as darkness envelopes that wonderful old clearing in the woods. I can almost hear the girls humming taps softly as we end the day.

The “Last” moments are now evident to all (Last Stumblers, Last Church service, Last Council Fire)… prepare for an emotional week.

This is going to be good!