Thank You

At this moment all I can say is thank you.

Such a wonderful summer.

Such wonderful campers.

Such wonderful counselors.

Such supportive parents.

My heart is full and it is still very easy to tear up. One reason it is hard to think is no doubt due to fatigue (we are all wrung out), but the main reason is the impact of the silence that now covers camp like a thick snowfall in winter. Crickets and birds have replaced squeals and shouts… every one is gone and it just feels wrong. My heart is full but my heart aches too.

This was a poignant summer, surprisingly so. Many of us were not prepared for the flood of emotions. While I knew that Mama’s absence would be keenly felt (she has been here for the past 80 summers… hard to describe the impact). I knew Mama would be missed (particularly by me) but I did not expect how much I would be touched by the girls this year. This community is always sweet, but this year was special. I think God sent this group at this time because He knew how important it would be… they made camp easy. They made camp fun. They touched my heart.

So thank you.

Good Night Greystone Girls