
Believing that Sincerity, Courage, Honesty, Kindness, and Truth culminate in the Spirit of Greystone; we pledge ourselves to strive ever toward these high and noble ideals.

These are the words of the Honor Council Pledge. Words composed in a bygone era to encourage timeless character traits in a community of love. Yesterdays sermon was on exactly this… the Joy of loving people. It was excellent… you should check it out… but I digress! The Honor Council Pledge has five elements which can be condensed into one word: Unselfishness. The secret of Greystone. We strive to become more unselfish and when we grow in this way, the camp becomes a sweeter place. Strive is not a word that is used very much anymore but it is one that I really like.

To Strive is to admit that we are not perfect. To admit that we will make mistakes but despite the failings we will “get back on that horse” and try again. We commit to never rest in our efforts to grow in a way that represents Christ well. Camp is about becoming better people.

We hope that when you reunite with your daughter (on THURSDAY!!!), you will be impressed with how much she has grown. A month is a long time to be apart at such an age; look for ways she has changed. Her hair might be a mess, her nails not so clean, her clothes a bit wrinkled… and hopefully her character will have strengthened in ways that you notice. Perhaps she says thank you more often, perhaps she cleans her room without complaint or helps with the dishes without prompting. Perhaps it is with an increased interest in talking about “real” things, or a new interest in keeping a journal. These are things that are winsome at camp, things that the girls strive toward in this setting. Many of you tell us that this growth is the most important thing that happens each summer. We pray that camp will always be effective in teaching this lesson; inspiring this growth.

Today is a blow out day of wonderful moments. It began with a big Breakfast Club (Hare Spray), a special invitation by Dr. Margaret and Sara Oliver to watch the Big Horse Show (which goes on all morning) and attend the wonderful post show “Derby Day” picnic (a huge spread with fancy drinks, poached salmon, chicken tenders, cheese and veggie plates, cucumber sandwiches, bread pudding, and chocolate covered strawberries. They introduced us to some Kentucky traditional fare (Hot Browns… one of my favorites!). To cap it off we presented the girls with souvenir T-Shrits (the most requested swag item for years has been for a Derby Day themed T shirt), the campers went crazy! This evening we will enjoy Fish and Chips on the lawn then polish the day off with the Senior Play “Godspell”. The livestream will be broadcast start a bit before 7:30 tonight. Keep in mind we are not allowed to keep any productions online past showtime, so tonight will be your only chance to watch the show!

A quick word about the arts programs at camp. Yesterday’s Art Show was an inspiration and affirmation of our commitment to making our fine arts program significant in every way. We are not satisfied with “trinkets” (though there is always a place for lanyards and leather bracelets) we encourage the girls to create works of art that are worthy of pride. When your daughter shows you what she made at camp, we hope you will be genuinely impressed and appreciate the effort.

God is the Master Creator and we are made in His image, so it is natural for us to encourage the girls to create while at camp. The Fine Arts Center is continually improved and renovated in an effort to inspire such efforts (our biggest camp project this year was the FAC porch (which is now large enough and sturdy enough to host most of the camp). We renovated out Glass Studio, adding a Glass Fusion complex to the Glass Beads building. Our Ceramics Studio was renovated last year (it is the brightest, cleanest, most dust free ceramics studio I have ever seen). Our Silversmith studio was also renovated this year and the stirling silver rings, bracelets, necklaces, tiara’s, pendants, spoons, knives, and cups were really spectacular. The Arts programs combine to provide the girls a place to slow down and get out of the sun while making treasures that will be cherished for a lifetime. The Fine Arts program strives for better projects and programs every year, once again I declare “Mission Accomplished”. Well Done!

The Art Show made us all proud. The campers who created the GREAT crafts projects, photographs, paintings, drawings, calligraphy, glass fusion, glass beads, metal jewelry, fabric arts, and ceramics. The counselors who shepherded the projects from concept to completion. And about every person in camp who visited the Art Show and came away with that sense of awe that arises when visiting a great gallery. It was that good!

Thank you for checking in. It is a beautiful summer day with sunny skies, mild temperatures, and no chance or rain till the afternoon. These are good days and we are blessed to enjoy them together.

Week 4 video; thanks for the memories!