Saturday #3

There is a wonderful relaxed feel around camp today. The girls are mellow, but they are fully engaged at the same time. It is the mark of a well adjusted camp with a community that just enjoys being together.

The singing in the dining hall is not boisterous (like it will be soon… as emotions ramp up with the big productions and end of camp big events). The girls walk to class (not run) and they tend to gather in smaller groups of 2 or 3 for DMC’s. They are writing in their journals and reading books. They sleep during rest hour and go to bed quickly at taps. We are tired and we are content… it really is a golden time of life.

What are your favorite memories of summer? I bet that those quiet moments of childhood prominenantly come to mind. This certainly is true of the Main Campers. These older girls yearn for a break from the hectic pace of the world. They leave their phones without hesitation and FOMO is not an emotion that arises once we settle into the simple life of camp. There is something appropriate about embracing a slow pace during the summer, I hope you get a chance to do the same.

This slow pace has been deliberately built into the camp calendar, it is appropriate to these middle weeks and it is celebrated by camper and counselor alike. Yesterday’s “Do Nothing” day was a huge hit because it was all about nothing. A lazy morning, early lunch, long rest hour… it was really great.

Birthday Ball was great, the Talent Show was great, our weather is great… everything is great.

I am focusing on the Overnight Photos again today. The “round 2” pictures were really good and the stories of girls who stayed up all night continue to come in. The campers AND counselors really enjoyed the overnight this year (a big accomplishment, for there is usually a group of “nay sayers” who do not enjoy the adventure). We haven’t heard anything but positive comments from all and could not be happier with the way it turned out.

Food today:

  • Breakfast: Waffles and sausage
  • Lunch: Baked Potato Bar
  • Dinner: Jerked Chicken, saffron rice, pineapple

Thanks for checking in. I’m grateful to have an audience!