Millions of Minutes

Last nights EP (Senior Celebration/ Queens Ball) was really wonderful. Ninty-eight girls using their considerable talent to entertain in all the ways they knew how. It was quite a show! Ninty-eight girls celebrating their love for each other, love built over a lifetime and made firm in a summer.

All the cabins performed a cabin song, one of them an original composition to the tune of “Seasons of Love” from “Rent”. They added up the minutes that their cabin had cumatively spent at Greystone… came up with 3,521,200 minutes. It was very touching. Wistful and joyful memories of moments of childhood enjoyed with friends.

Many of these girls have been at camp for more than a decade. They return each year to recharge, to reconnect, and to refresh. They are filled with joy, a fact that brought Margaret to tears last night as she gave a group devotion late last night. The group had changed into their PJ’s before gathering in Whitehall for a party. The food was over the top (the bean dip was so popular they made a song about it on the spot… and imagine the joy of a heaping platter of Chic-Fil-et nuggats after a long day at camp!) and the girls loved being together in that special moment.

Margaret told me (after she woke me up) that the girls were radiant. That seeing them so filled with joy, so comfortable with each other, laughing, talking quietly, and holding hands throughout it all… it was perfect. This is how life is supposed to be…

Margaret’s devotion was short and simple… I heard it was great… of course, about everything that happens at this point in the summer is great. We are basking in the warmth of our community and savoring every minute.

Tonight we will enjoy the Junior Play Production of Annie and will livestream the show. We will turn the camera on about 7:20 and expect the play to begin about 7:30.

  • Breakfast: Ham and Cheese Bagles
  • Lunch: Thanksgiving in July… apple gallette for dessert
  • Dinner: Monglian Beef

Thank you for everything.