Feelin Good

I love the theater. Every aspect resonates. The writing (always appealing to an English major), the back stage work, the acting, and the show. I even like the clean up after the production! A theater production requires a shocking amount of work, especially noticable when the show is only performed once. Weeks of work for an hour on the stage. Why do we do this?

Because it is awesome!

  • Awesome for the audience. The well known story and songs of this much beloved musical made the Junior’s nuanced performance of Annie that much more appreciated.
  • Awesome for the actors. Rehersals are a blast… they progress from super laid back to super intense as the days pass, nerves gradually building as they realize that time is running out. Inspiration for a particular scene hits in the middle of the night; it is then practiced the next day; and it makes the entire cast and crew cheer.
  • Awesome for the crew. Backstage Crew is a world all to itself. There is a fellowship and bond that develops in this setting that others do not understand. They are a quieter group, one that is most happy when perfection is achieved with apparently no effort. The subtle thrill from this selfless struggle is particularly keen when the actors delight in the skill of the crew (something that happens all the time, particularly on the performance night).
  • Awesome for the directors. The pride of the directors during and after a show is very similar to the pride of parents on graduation day. From the first day when roles are assigned, to showtime… the work of a director never ends. They work behind the scenes to assure that every aspect of the show is successful. They train the crew on the technical side of things and encourage them in the art of their work. They coach the actors in their performance, choreograph their dances, train their voices, and build up their confidence so that they can be convincing on stage. It is a wonderful gift to direct a play. A huge task that provides a huge harvest. These counselors are usually the most loved of all the camp staff. For good reason.

There will be one more play this summer, Monday’s production of Godspell (which I still remember being performed when I was on the men staff in the early 80’s). The girls have really embraced the challenge and their enthusiasm makes us confident in the outcome. It is going to be Awesome!

Today is another perfect day. The temperatures are a perfect 80 degrees, there is light cloud cover, a light breeze off the lake… kind of a post card setting. We feel the hours slipping through our fingers, for some it is exciting and for others it is sad. A noticable nostalgia is evident, particularly after dinner as the girls sit around the campus in groups of two… deep in conversation. The DMC’s are in full swing and are flavoring the camp experience in a profound way.

DMC’s can happen virtually as well… I will often get really wonderful feedback from time to time in an email or letter. This email arrived unexpectedly yesterday afternoon from a mom of two current Greystone Girls who have been coming to camp for a long time. Her girls are growing up and as they mature it is clear that they are shining the light of God’s Love in an effective way. They are spectacular at camp and they are spectacular at home… she is humbly greatful and graciously took the time to compose a note. I will end with her words. Beautifully written, I share with her permission:

Each year at camp for my girls gets better and better. I know that a part of it is deepening and lasting friendships, that only mature with time. I hope that some of it is age, maturity and maybe a little wisdom. I feel that each year, they have a deeper appreciation for two things: 1 – the gift of being able to go to camp at all; and 2 – what camp renews in their spirit that they will carry with them throughout the year.

The pressures in the outside world as high school flies by are enormous. I see it in them, and for them. I don’t think that we had the same sense that almost everything is urgent and important every minute, all the time. Moreover, the pressures of social media, and its collateral damage of instant gratification and knowing so much about so many things and people every second is overwhelming! It’s overwhelming to me – and I know it is for our girls. Add in college searches, and seeing SO MANY other kids their age doing 18 summer SAT prep courses, biomedical engineering TIP camps, astrophysics at home computer courses (not really, but sort of), and it’s mind blowing.

Enter Camp. I could not be more thankful that my girls are in their happy place, where they are actually slowing the pace of their hectic lives down and enjoying the little things and small moments that, put together, make up life – the important, soulful part of life. The pictures are outstanding as usual; and the letters home a treasure. Through pictures and words, we feel that they are both content, not merely happy. Happy is often circumstantial and momentary. On the other hand, contentment is deep, meaningful, and lasting. DMCs by the lake, dancing without a care in the world, singing with reckless abandon – all amazing gifts that they will cherish for a lifetime. And, if it becomes a part of their soul and a way of life for them now, they will have the opportunity to pass it on to others as well. Gifts that keep on giving indeed.

So, Thank you. Thank you for camp. Thank you for providing my girls their happy place. Thank you for the pictures and blogs. Thank you for providing them a safe place to try new things and take risks. Thank you for providing an environment where God’s love is easy to find and feel everywhere. Most of all, thank you for loving them.

The Menu today:

  • Breakfast: Chipped Beef on toast… maybe not a favorite!
  • Lunch: Penne Bolognese (a camper recipe… this was a contest in the winter, present a meal to the camp. The camper who won is actually helping cook the meal!)
  • Dinner: Paella, Croquettas, Tres Leches Cake

EP tonight is Production Night… every activity area in camp that has a show they want to perform gets a moment on stage. Literally a cast of hundreds! Fantastic variety show.

A video about the Senior Play… appropriatly timed!