Doing Nothing

Today is “Do Nothing Day”… and the girls absolutely love it. We surprised them with the announcement yesterday, tacking it onto the announcement about the overnight EP. The dining hall went wild, for everyone is very tired and nothing sounds better than a lazy “nothing” day. They knew they would be tired after the overnight and having a day to recover sounded perfect. So we are watching movies (Holes, Aquamarine), lounging by the pool, making rainbow loom bracelets, doing a service project (doing cards to bless other people), games on the field, games on the dining hall porch, a big four square tournament, sitting in our cabins, sleeping in the Eno’s, doing crafts, knitting, reading books, and having DMC’s. The camp is very quiet but has a hum of activity that is really delightful. We will have an early lunch and then top it all off with a long rest hour. Such a great day!

I wish we had more pictures from the overnights, but the ones that we got give a hint of the fun night… a night that provided little sleep but lots of memories!

The stars were not visible (cloud cover never completely went away) but nobody noticed. We were having too much fun doing things that we NEVER get to do in the real world. The tents worked perfectly (the girls love these tents… very spacious and airy, yet watertight if the need arises). The fires were beautiful and the s’mores gooey sweet and tasty. Everyone is tired, but everyone is happy. Life is good.

This afternoon we will have normal classes then eat a wonderful meal at the Birthday Ball (where all girls who have birthdays at camp sit with Margaret and me at the head table and are honored by the whole camp). The EP will be a quality talent show, put on by the campers.

  • Breakfast Buffet eaten whenever the girls wanted.
  • Lunch is gyros
  • Dinner is chicken taco’s

I have put a couple video’s below… in case you wanted something more than photos of camp life. Fun to see camp in action!

Thanks for checking in. We are grateful!

The Dance Battle EP was so much fun. We congratulate “The Jonah Sisters” and all of Tentalow Upper Six on their fantastic performance!

The Ceramics Department spent a day making a stop motion film. This was so much fun for the girls and the theme of the show is a gift to you… watch the dramatic recreation of one of our favorite Breakfast Club Stories.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present: The Hills Are Alive!

In case you missed it… the Second Week Video.