5 Ways to Pray for Camp this Summer

Prayer is a big deal at camp! We pray upwards of six times a day together as a community, and more as individuals. Even as camp is quickly approaching, our Head Staff is praying for the staff and campers by name, and for every aspect of this summer to be for His glory.

We believe no amount of prayer is too much! We want God to guide every decision we make and every program we offer. We want the Holy Spirit to be keenly felt the moment a person walks through our gates, and we want your prayers too!

These are just a few specific things we want your prayers for - write them down, put them on your refrigerator, or set a reminder on your phone. By praying for and with us, you can be an active participant in the good that the Lord is doing in this place - we couldn’t be more grateful!

  1. Pray for a safe and healthy summer. Camp is a very safe place, and has been for the last 99 years - we never take this for granted! We are constantly checking in to make sure that we are providing the safest environment possible, but we would love your prayers for this summer to be a healthy one. Pray for safety for our activities and our programs, health for campers and staff, and for the nurses and doctors who do so much to keep the camp community happy.
  2. Pray for our staff. We are SO thrilled about our staff this summer and know that the Lord has them here for a reason. Pray for them to settle into camp well, for their endurance and energy during the summer, and that they would grow closer to Jesus while they’re here. Pray that God would give them the words and the smiles to meet each camper where she is and to make her feel loved. Pray for our support staff, for the kitchen and maintenance and house keeping crew who work so hard to make camp a special place.
  3. Pray for the campers. Coming to camp is a BIG deal! Pray that any pre-camp nerves will wash away, and that each girl would just be excited for the weeks to come. Pray that each girl will meet incredible friends, be supported and loved well by her counselors, grow in the four-fold way and see the gospel clearly while she’s here.
  4. Pray for the Head Staff. It is a tremendous privilege to take care of these girls during the summer, and we don’t take it lightly! Pray for wisdom for our Directors as they make each decision during the summer and for the Group Leaders as they take care of each individual camper and counselor.
  5. Pray that the glory will be to God. We are a Christ-centered camp, and our number one goal is to glorify God in everything we do. Pray that our 99th summer will be pleasing to Him most of all, and that He would use everything that happens in these gates for His good and His glory. If that happens, our summer will be a success!

We are so grateful for every prayer!