Summer Game Plan for Parents - New Camper Blog Series

Camp is getting closer every day, and we are SO ready to have all of our new campers finally here! So far we’ve talked about everything from unpacking to Sundays, but what happens after you drop your daughter off?

We have so many people supporting your Greystone Girl during the summer, so our biggest piece of advice is to relax, knowing that we’re taking care of her! In the meantime, there are so many ways you can stay connected with her and what’s going on at camp.

  1. Write letters. There is nothing more precious at camp than a hand written letter, and we encourage you to write lots! Make sure to share the camp address with friends and family so they can write as well.
  2. Send Emails. Emailing is a great (free!) way to send your daughter a quick note through your Greystone Account. We print emails at 11:00 am every day except Sunday, so send early to make sure she gets it by Rest Hour. You can also create guest accounts for other family members to email - read more about that on our contacting your camper page.
  3. Check the Photos. We post hundreds of photos every day. View them through your account, add to your Favorites folder, and enjoy high quality free downloads. Tell your daughter before camp to jump in front of the camera!
  4. Subscribe to the Blog. Our Directors post daily on the blog about everything going on at camp, so make sure to subscribe so you never miss an update!
  5. Listen to the devotions. We start every morning with a short devotion at Morning Assembly. Grab a front row seat to what your daughter is learning and listen along too.

What if I have a question?

We know that sending your daughter away to camp is a BIG deal, and we are here for you if you have any questions. We will always reach out to you if there is a concern, but feel free to get in touch with us at any point.

Your daughter will have a Group Leader overseeing her age group and checking in daily with her cabin and counselor. On Opening Day you’ll receive a Welcome Letter with your Group Leader’s name and contact information. You can always reach out to her with any questions or concerns - she can update you on how your daughter is doing.

You can also always call our office at 828.693.3182 - our office staff is happy to talk to you or connect you with the right person.

Your daughter’s time at camp will fly by, and you will be hearing camp stories in the car ride home before you know it!

Have other questions about what happens when your daughter is here or the best ways to stay up to date with us? Post a comment, give us a call, or shoot me an email! No matter if it’s before, during, or after camp, we want to make sure you’re feeling confident and prepared.

Not much longer, new campers! We can’t wait to see you!