Our Favorite Camp Hacks

Once you’ve been around the camp block a time or two, you start to refine your camp “technique,” your favorite ways to “do” camp. You come up with your favorite order to take your class in, the best ways to pack, and the shortcuts to get the most out of every day in the Bubble. Who doesn’t like the idea of that?!

We’ve compiled our favorite “camp hacks” to share with you! Try one or try them all - no matter how you do it, you can’t go wrong at camp!


  • Bring an old pair of tennis shoes that you don’t mind getting wet and dirty!
  • Pack your clothes in packing cubes so that you can put them straight in your drawer. They’ll also help you keep your drawer organized during the session!
  • Main Camp Seniors - bring your own mug for the Dining Hall.
  • Pack your bedding in a big Ikea bag with a zipper, and then carry it up the hill with you on Opening Day.
  • Bring Duct tape - it can be used for EVERYTHING!
  • Bring large safety pins to pin your socks together in the laundry so that you can find them easily.
  • Pack with vacuum bags so you have extra room in your trunk and use the opposite end of a blowdryer to “vacuum” the bags at the end of camp!
  • Bring a unique backpack (or tie a bright ribbon on yours) so that you can spot it easily in a group and someone else doesn’t pick it up by mistake.
  • Use the camp sheets - bringing your own takes up too much space.
  • Bring an extra pair of whites than you think you need - they always get dirty!
  • Bring an extra laundry bag or tote bag to stuff all of the extras you don’t know what to do with at the end of the session. You’ll be glad you have it!


  • Take all of your water classes on the same day so that you’re not having to change back and forth from your bathing suit to regular clothes all the time. Wear your Chacos this day to work on your tan!
  • Plan your classes so that you’re working your way across camp. Do not take High Ropes right after Dog Camp!
  • If you’re passionate about your water classes and don’t mind the chill, take them first thing in the morning! They’re less crowded, and you’re less likely to be interrupted by Thor.
  • If you tend to nap during Rest Hour, take more chill classes for 6th and 7th to give you time to wake up and not jump straight back in to something active.
  • Take Cooking during the time of day that you normally get a little hungry - mid-morning is perfect for this!

In Your Cabin

  • Use zip ties to attach things to the rail of your bed.
  • Bring two shower caddies - one smaller one to carry just your shower things and another container for all your other toiletries so that you’re not taking everything to the shower with you.
  • Sitting in front of the big cabin fan is the best way to dry your hair and stay cool at the same time!
  • Tape your sheets to the mattress so that you don’t have to worry about them slipping off in the middle of the night.
  • If you get up right at Reveille you get the bathroom mostly to yourself. No lines for brushing your teeth!
  • Wet sneakers? Stuff paper towels or washcloths inside of them and put them in front of the fan. They’ll dry ASAP!
  • Not sure when to take a shower? Skip Candy Shoppe and head straight to your cabin to hop in before everyone else is back. You won’t miss a beat!
  • On a hot day in your cabin, wear your bathing suit and lay under a wet towel. It feels like air conditioning!


  • Bring crushed ice to lunch and put it in your drink - instant slushy!
  • Not a fan of the meal that day? Grab all your favorite goodies from the salad bar and put them between slices of bread for an awesome sandwich.
  • Table Girls - set your table in the middle of your morning classes to avoid the lunch rush!
  • At Banquet, dip your roll into your chocolate stack - it tastes like the best donut ever!