Riding and Rafting - New Camper Blog Series

Welcome to another week in our New Camper Blog series. Camp is getting closer, and we just can’t wait! This week, we are diving into two of our favorite activities – Riding and Rafting! These are two extra activities that you can choose to take, signing up through your Online Forms; they require an extra fee to participate. Let’s jump into these great extra activities!


Riding is VERY popular at camp, and many of our campers enjoy spending time down at the barn. With close to 50 beautiful, well-loved horses, you will LOVE meeting all of these camp animals.

We offer different types of riding at each of our sessions. The best place to look to find out more information about riding is on our website or in our Parent Handbook. It details the types of options we offer and how much each costs.

So what else could you want to know? Today, we are here to tell you a little more about each program.

Junior and August Campers: With the option of a lesson or a trail ride (or both at August), you really can’t go wrong with either choice. Both are equally as popular, depending on what you are looking for in your Riding experience. Lessons allow for you to work on proper form, starting to build some great skills in the ring. Trail riding involves taking a more relaxing approach to your Riding experience, enjoying our beautiful mountain property with your horse. For both sessions, you’ll miss 2 classes in a row to take your lesson or trail ride, and we will let you know when you are signed up to go. Both are great options!

June and Main Campers: You also have the option of lessons or trail riding. Here are all the details:

Lessons: If you’re taking lessons, Riding will be part of your daily schedule – you will take it every other day, so either MWF or TTS, and it will take up two of your class periods. Riding Lessons at June and Main Camps will really help to build your Riding foundation and challenge you to try new things. You’ll ride in a ring with girls of similar skill level, allowing you to grow along with your friends. It is tons of fun! At Main Camp, you even have the option of Riding Everyday – great for those serious horse lovers!

Trail Riding: We offer two types of trail riding at June and Main. June campers can take a fun Apple Hill trail option – a great, low-key day exploring our beautiful mountain property. You’ll be paired with a horse for this half-day experience, really getting to bond with your individual horse. It is fun! Our other option available for June and Main campers is our Thunderhead Trail Riding Adventure, which takes place at our Thunderhead property, about 5 minutes from camp (available to girls who have completed 5th grade and up). This mountainous location is perfect for riding! Campers will also enjoy lunch over the open fire and playing in the river that goes through the property. Thunderhead is a camper favorite!

You really can’t go wrong with your Riding options – whether a lesson in the ring or an adventure on a trail, you’ll experience our horses in a fun, uplifting environment.


At June and Main Camps, girls can sign up for a full-day rafting trip down some of the beautiful waters found in Western North Carolina. We take trips down the Pigeon and Chattgooa Rivers; make sure to check out our Rafting information to learn specifics about the trips.

Why take a Rafting trip at Greystone? Well, for one, they are awesome. Many of our campers love the day out of camp, taking a break from the camp routine and spending time with your friends. Nothing quite beats the adrenaline rush of going down a river with your camp buddies! Girls who take our rafting trips often sign up year after year, as they just can’t get enough of the whitewater experience. If you’re looking for fun and adventure this summer, give Rafting a try.

We hope we have given you a little more insight into why you would want to consider our Extra Activity options of Riding and Rafting. They truly are a great opportunity to try something new and different while at camp this summer. Make sure to check out more details, and sign up through your online forms before May 1.