Paige Rouse

Southern Wesleyan University

Farm and Garden

1st year on staff

Hello!! My name is Paige Rouse and I am from Clemson, SC. I am a freshmen Children’s Ministry major at Southern Wesleyan University. I am SO excited to come to Greystone. It was totally not even on my radar to spend the summer of 2018 there, but the Lord put the word Greystone on my heart for 3 days without me knowing anything about it or anyone who had gone there. I looked it up online and saw the promo video and sobbed. Even though I had never met any of the girls in the video I felt like my soul knew them. I knew in that moment that Greystone was where I needed to be this summer and where I belonged! I cannot wait to make some new best friends with the girls on staff, and I cannot wait to fall in love with the campers!! I adore Jesus and am SOOO excited to see what He does with summer of 2018 at Greystone!!!

“What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?” Luke 15:4

Personal Interests? Writing, Reading, Cooking, Gardening, Violin, Bethel Worship

When I have an hour of free time, I like to… Writing poems and Read!!

Sing? Dance? Or both? BOTH!

Item that I MUST bring to Camp with me…. CHACOS

Something you wouldn’t guess about me… I have played violin for 13 years

Last book I read… The Attributes of God by A W Tozer

Three words to describe yourself: Joyful, Intentional, Personable

Hidden talent? I can make a star with my tongue

If my life could have a theme song, it would be…. Reckless Love by Bethel Worship