Devotions Books to Tide You Over Until Camp

The countdown to camp is officially on (87 days!!), but if you’re anything like us, that still feels like a long time from now! You haven’t hugged your camp friends in months, you might be feeling a little burned out in your faith, and you’re just ready to be back in “the bubble.”

Now is the perfect time to start a new devotion book to tide you over until your counselor’s devos in the summer! It’ll reinvigorate your faith and keep you going until you’re back listening to devos in your cabin.

We’ve rounded up some of our recent favorites. Which one are you going to try?

  1. New Morning Mercies. This Head Staff favorite devotional brings you the gospel every day, helping you learn “to trust in God’s goodness, rely on his grace, and live for his glory each and every day.”
  2. Graceful (for Young Women): Letting Go of Your Try Hard Life. So many times our campers are the “good girls,” the girls who try so hard to do everything right that they forget that Jesus has already done it for them. This book by Emily Freeman gives girls the freedom to “stop trying and start trusting that the Jesus who came to save them also comes to live with them, right here and now.”
  3. Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story. If you struggle to see how the Bible comes together to tell one glorious story, this one is for you! “In seven sessions, Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture.”
  4. The Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms. We love Tim Keller, and his newest devotional is a great one to start with. This book takes you through the Psalms in a year, inviting you in to see their wisdom and how Jesus used them throughout His life. They even end with a prayer for your day each day.
  5. 100 Days to Brave: Devotions for Unlocking Your Most Courageous Self. If you struggle with feeling brave, with feeling like you are capable of the leaps God is calling you to, this book will be your anthem. “With honesty and relatable humor, this compilation of best-of writings and new pieces from Annie will help you embrace the path and the plan God has for you.”
  6. Awaken: 90 Days with the God Who Speaks. From the writer of the movie War Room comes this new devotional, “ready to help you mine the treasures of Scripture and fortify you for the day ahead.” We love how Priscilla Shirer provides journaling room and discussion questions at the end of each devotion.
  7. All in All Journaling Devotional: Loving God Wherever You Are. “As you dig in to Sophie’s words and wit, you’ll better understand the wholeness and freedom that come from a life filled with Jesus. Each of the 100 devotions is followed by journaling prompts that will get you writing, keep you thinking, and help you grab all the goodness He has waiting for you.”