Greystone Resolutions for the New Year

Greystone girls – the end of 2018 is such an exciting time; it means that 2019 is just a day away – the year of camp! Who is excited?! We sure are!!

As we’re entering the New Year, I know New Year Resolutions are on your mind. When you’re thinking about this upcoming year, don’t forget about these wonderful habits from camp. Any of these would be great to add back into your routine in this new year! Why not take just ONE and try it out in 2019?

  1. Tech Free Tuesday: We talked about it this summer, and we all agreed that putting our phones down for a day is lifechanging. Why not start again tomorrow?
  2. Claiming the day: Everyday at camp we clap our hands and say, “It’s going to be a great day!” At home, you can do this same thing or even update it to suit your home-life. Why not write down one thing you are grateful for each morning? Say a quick prayer to start the day? Or, think of three positive things when you wake up, no matter the circumstances?
  3. Get moving: We practice the “physical” part of the 4-fold philosophy at camp in many ways (Stumblers, walking to all of your classes, and much more) – why not try it out at home? Offer to take your dog for a walk around the block or do a fun workout video with someone in your family.
  4. Start the morning with Jesus: At camp, we start our day with a Morning Assembly every day. Many girls will take this concept home with them after camp, but by the winter, it has become less of a habit. Jump back on the bandwagon, making it simple and easy. Try reading just one Bible verse each day and thinking on it, or write a 3-line prayer before you go to bed. Don’t overcomplicate it!
  5. Get in some face-time: I am talking about a different Face-time than you are probably imagining…actual face-to-face time with a friend. Don’t just text all the time or connect on social media. Sit down with a friend (or family member!) over a hot chocolate. Put your phone down when you’re grabbing lunch with your friends and make eye contact. This real face-time is a great habit to pick up this year.
  6. Speak Thankfulness: Do you remember Jimboy’s final Morning Assembly devotion that he does each year? About the lepers and only one returning to say “thank you” to Jesus for his healing? Jimboy encouraged us to say “thank you” for camp, and I encourage you to add this to your routine this year. What if you printed out a blank calendar for January that you use to put a check mark on the day once you said “thank you” to someone? This could change your life (and the life of the person you are thanking)!
  7. Silent Celebrate: This one may sound a tad silly, but it could be so fun. You know how we Silent Celebrate at camp all the time? We really love to show we are excited and joyful, but at home, I don’t think we have this same reaction all the time. When something makes you happy or excited, give a big “whoop whoop” (or a silent celebrate) to show appreciation and excitement! It will be fun, and get those around you excited too. You will be a light!
  8. Sleep Late Friday: This is the one I want to add this year! Why not take a Saturday morning and just sleep in, stay in your pajamas, eat breakfast picnic style, and hang out with your family? We are always on the go (or head straight to our devices upon waking) – add a slow morning to your weekly habits this year! And, if you can squeeze a Rest Hour in to your afternoon, you’ll really be winning.

We hope your 2019 will be wonderful. We are already counting down the days until we can see you!! What resolutions are you adding this upcoming year?