Thinking about Working on Staff?

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again - it is the hardest, best job you’ll ever have. There are SO many things we could tell you about working on Staff, but why take our word for it?

We’ve compiled the best advice and words of wisdom from the people you should really listen to, our 2018 counselors! We asked them, “What would you say to a friend considering working at Greystone?” Without further ado, we’ll let them take it from here!

Being a camp counselor will prepare you for LITERALLY anything. It may not directly translate on a resume, but the skills that you gain from being a counselor for a summer will stick with you forever and will help you in actually any other type of job that you can imagine.

Camp teaches you communication, patience, perseverance, organization/time-management, leadership, problem-solving… I could go on and on. Spending your summer at camp will prepare you for the “real world” like no other job can. And as a bonus, you will also experience TRUE and meaningful friendship, selfless love, never-ending fun, constant giggles, a strengthened relationship with the Lord, and #memz that you will never forget!!” - Lily Morgan, 2nd year staffer

“Greystone knows how to love people.done.

But really with all the emotions you feel and memories you make there is the best group of people that share those things with. You are never in it alone. Every person validates you and supports you exactly how you need. You exert so much of yourself but leave completely filled up with pure joy and the Lords goodness. It’s the most rewarding job that comes with recurring gifts”. - Callie Higgins, 2nd year staffer

“No matter how messy, rowdy, or rough they get, your girls will be knit to your heart for the rest of your life. They are the most wonderful, intelligent, inspiring, brave-hearted, and beautiful group of girls you will ever meet, and all they make all the bug bites, sweat, and occasional tears absolutely worth it, a thousand times and more!

Even if camp isn’t in your “life plan” in terms of an internship or job, I challenge you to commit just one summer to giving God the time and space to fill your heart with love overflowing for the most amazing people in the world, and you will find yourself wishing to come back for more! Camp friendships are forever, and you will be surprised the lifelong impact that one summer can have.” - Heream Yang, 1st year Staffer

“Camp has shaped me into the person I am today. There’s no other place that makes you feel the presence of the Lord all while giving you that childlike joyful feeling!

Watching campers grow in their faith and friendships over the few weeks your with them is indescribable . They are all so genuinely seeking the Lord And want to continue growing!! It’s really the best job and it’s something I wish everyone could experience.” - Mallie Given, 3rd year staffer

“Camp is a place where you have the space to grow.

You have the option to unintentionally grow a little bit or to intentionally seek growth during your time there. While you’re there, you can choose to be your best self in a place that will support you when you struggle and celebrate you when you succeed.” - Angela Bredeman, 7 year staffer