Where Has Your Greystone Shirt Been?

There’s no excitment at camp like t-shirt excitement! When Jimboy holds up the latest shirt you can hear the screams from a mile away!

Whether it’s that cute carnival shirt, the Stumblers tee you worked so hard for, or the comfy top that reminds you of your favorite class at camp, we know you’re rocking your favorite Greystone shirts all year long, and we want to see them! So we’re introducing #WhereHasYourGreystoneShirtBeen?

Have you worn yours at a school spirit day? On a family trip to the Grand Canyon? With your cabin at your reunion? Or even just matching with your dog? Bring us along with you and show us where your shirt has been! Get creative and be ridiculous - we welcome it all!

Anyone is welcome to submit a photo - staff, alumnae, parents, Greystone fans, you name it! We’ll pick the best submissions to be featured in our Sparks, blog, and social media. Basically, you’ll be Greystone famous!

Submitting a photo is easy! Either…

  • Post your picture on Instagram or Facebook with the tag #wherehasyourGreystoneshirtbeen
  • Email your photo to cat@campgreystone.com

We can’t wait to see you rocking your camp apparel in all the fun places you go this year. Plus you never know what conversation it might spark up - there are Greystone girls everywhere!