Compliment Cards - September Love Challenge

Compliment Cards from InspireYourArt on Etsy

Hello Greystone friends! Today we are kicking off a brand new series for the year – our Greystone Love Challenge. This summer, we focused on the theme of love, using 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 as our theme verses. This year, we want you to keep our theme of love alive in your hometown by giving you tangible ways you can show God’s love to others…hence, our monthly Love Challenge. Let’s get started!

This month, we are going to talk about speaking words of kindness to your friends and family, specifically by using Compliment Cards. Ever heard of them? Basically, you take the time to write out a compliment or specific reason you love someone or appreciate someone; then, you surprise your friends or family with the card, giving them the joy of your kind words.

1 Corinthians 13:4 tells us that love “does not envy, it does not boast.” Complimenting others is a great way to put this idea of love into practice. By saying something nice about someone else, you are celebrating gifts in that person and not just talking about yourself…a great way to live out our theme verse this year.

So what are we challenging you to do this month? For our September Love Challenge, we encourage you to share a compliment card with five people this month. Here are some different ways you can make your compliment cards:

  • You can print out compliment cards many places, including here and here.
  • There are some great places you can buy some cute Compliment Cards to use: these pretty ones on Etsy or these nice ones from Erin Condren or even this great set of 52 on Amazon.
  • Make your own! You can take one of these as a basis and make your own compliment cards that you can use.
  • Want to spice it up a little bit? Think of attaching some candy to your cards! Use these printables and grab a bag of Skittles (or Frittles if you can keep them cold!)

What do you do with your compliment cards? So many things! You could stick one on your friend’s locker or put it on a friends’ desk. You could stick one in a card and mail it to a friend (extra points for sending one to your camp friends!). What about putting one your teacher’s desk as a fun surprise? And, don’t forget your family members – stick one on the mirror for one of your siblings or parents to see in the morning when they wake up.

We hope you’ll join us in using your words for good, pouring words of kindness on your friends and family. Join us next month for our next Love Challenge prompt – see you then!