A Toast to Libby

It has been a week since Libby passed, and one filled with much emotion over here at camp! Celebrating Libby this past Saturday at her memorial service, many Greystone friends reunited, sharing big hugs, wonderful stories, and plenty of belly laughs. Libby lived a wonderful life, so it doesn’t take long for a group of Greystone alums to chuckle over a “Libby story” or nod in agreement over a lesson learned under her leadership. We enjoyed much celebration and rejoicing this weekend!

This past week has also been filled with sadness, as we lost a beloved member of our Greystone family, making mourning a natural part of what we are experiencing at camp right now. There was not a dry eye at the service when we sang two of Libby’s favorite hymns Holy, Holy, Holy and Come Thou Fount. We believe in a great and merciful God who provides comfort in sadness, and who works for good in all things; and in that, we can indeed celebrate!

We wanted you to have a chance to read a few memories that Jimboy and Katie shared at Libby’s memorial service this past weekend. Libby left us a wonderful legacy, both in the way she directed camp and the way she lived her life, day in and day out. Enjoy reading these beautiful sentiments from her children:

Jimboy: Mama encouraged us to set priorities in life, and she was very clear on what those priorities were for her. She would quickly point out that the number one priority in her life was Jesus, not camp, not us. Jesus was her Lord and her Master. She put Him first in all things. She lived a Christ centered life and that single fact changed everything. It changed camp, and it changed our family. It was wonderful to grow up in such a place. I remember Mama sitting by the fire in her library on Sunday afternoons, surrounded by her books, reading Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible, a cat purring on her lap and a dog sleeping at her feet. Hymns playing softly in the background. She would look up with a smile and say, “isn’t it wonderful?” In such moments she was completely enraptured with the glory of God.

Katie: But our Mother taught us well: to love each other wholly, unconditionally, not holding fault or hurt, placing love of the LORD first and then EACH OTHER above all else so as not to divide the family. She taught us to share meaningful moments with each other, celebrating occasions and having fun times together, to pass on to our children, grandchildren and all of our special friends who ARE family, the JOY of the Lord and the fruits of the Spirit that when practiced, create a family that while not perfect, is a reflection of what God wants in each of our lives.

We encourage you to take these stories to heart. As both Katie and Jimboy mentioned, Libby lived a Christ-centered life and that single fact changed everything. She hid God’s Word in her heart, meditating on it day and night. What better way to celebrate her life than by living this out in your own life as well!

At camp, we look forward to putting these lessons in practice in the days, weeks, months, and upcoming summer to come. Nothing will bring us more joy than to celebrate Libby through our continued dedication to Christ and his Word.

Thank you again for all of the love and support this past week – our entire Greystone family is extremely grateful. Alums, don’t forget to update your address so that you can receive our Libby Memorial Sparks this year. And with that, we ask you raise your glass, joining us in toasting Libby one last time:

A toast to you we raise tonight, Dear Libby.

To us you have been a guiding light, unselfishly.

Golden days of Greystone may pass, but the memory of your love shall last.

Proud are we now to honor thee, Dear Libby.