Anyone who has performed on stage knows the importance of a big finish. The last notes of every song, the last movements of every dance, and the last moments of every play must be executed to perfection. Punch that last note and the audience leaps from their seats with wild applause. So Exciting!
Camp is very good at the “big finish”. We have perfected the end of camp routine and that routine is kicked off by the campers performances and shows. Last night’s Junior Production was amazing! If you haven’t had a chance, check it out today, the livestream will be available until tonight and even a quick glance will speak volumes. The girls knew their lines, their songs, and their dances. The crew managed the sound and lighting with ease. Props and costumes… and when the last number finished the girls who performed felt a keen sense of accomplishment.
That feeling will be repeated in tonights Production Night EP. Over 200 girls will perform dances, songs, guitar, juggling, dramatic comedy routines, beat boxing, stomp, and probably other things too. It is a variety show that is composed of elements from dozens of classes… each act will be surprising and delighting in different ways. We can’t wait!
We will continue to enjoy big camper shows for a few days then transition to the last two emotion filled events (Closing Vespers and Banquet). Time is short, every day is important. Pressure is high and every camper has a Carpe Dieum attitude. Sieze the day, for it will soon be over. Time to finish big.