Computer programers are taught early on that Garbage In will always lead to Garbage Out. In other words: faulty data put into a program will always lead to a problem! The reason this makes it into a camp blog post is that at camp we live this concept in real life. We know that the details that fill our lives all accrue. Thus we encourage the girls to develop good habits and good routines in their lives… the kind of habits and routines that result in Four Fold growth.
Since camp is a bubble, it allows us to filter out much of the “yuck” of the world (have you really listened to the words of the songs that are on their play list, or the tv shows or blogs that they follow)? YUCK is often the theme of the popular entertainment options we are given in the “real world”. Camp allows us to filter out the yuck and provide “good” things for our girls:
Add it together and you have this concept of good programing principles lived out in real life. The effects are already evident!
We begin our Morning Assembly by singing and dancing to some really fun Praise Songs. The ROAR of the singing this morning was heard through my closed window in the office (400 yards away) and as I entered the space I was struck by the fact that every single person (camper and counselor alike) was dancing and smiling. It was amazing! Then everyone sat down and every person sang as Raby led us in the parts of one of our “throwback Thursday” songs. Sam then gave his Devotion (which was great) and the girls were off to classes.
I bring this up to just make note of the fact that your girls are SO GREAT! They form a community of love that is hard to describe… The fact that we only provide good “input” is part of the formula. It is worth consideration!
This blog was very long (my computer crashed just before I was done writing the first edit, it did not save… ugh). Now I am running out of time, so I will cut it short. Here are the final points I wanted to convey:
Weather… warmer, more humid, better chance of afternoon showers. Food… Breakfast was sausage and French Toast, Lunch will be Philly Cheese Steak sanwiches, Dinner will be Poached Salmon and new potatoes. EP… secret… but it will be a very active and FUN one that takes place outside.
Many thanks for reading the blog. It is a pleasure!