What does it mean to be created in the image of God?
Big question but one that these girls are encouraged to consider as we make choices as to how we will act while at camp. At Breakfast Club this morning I suggested that we will NEVER have too many friends, so we should really try to make a lot of new friends every day. Since we are made in God’s image we have an infinite capacity for friendship… we will never have too many friends, a fact that we will discover while at camp.
Friendships sprout and thrive at camp in an amazing way. We make friends in our cabins, in our classes, in the pit, at our dining room tables, even in the candy Shop line or while getting a snack from the ice hut… a hundred opportunities before lunchtime! A great way to grow socially, and this is what we encourage the girls to do. There is a simple formula for this process and it is based on demonstrating love with a smile.
The simple action of a smile goes a long way, so we encouage everyone to smile as much as they can! Smiles are evident everywhere at camp camp. Counselors know that smiling is a big part of their job. Their leadership in this way really helps in shorter sessions (when the campers may be new to the Greystone experience and feeling more anxious in the first days of camp) but at Main Camp the campers need no leadership on this regard. They smile ALL THE TIME! They are literally giddy to be back at camp and it shows in their amazing smiles.
When we are outside “the bubble” smiling is not a priority (particularly when we are on a schedule) but while at camp we make it a priority and our lives are better for the effort.
You will see tons of smiles in the photographs we take every day. This is not a show, for we are living in a community that is marked by smiles, I can not imagine a more welcoming environment!
It is another perfect day (much like yesterday). Brilliant blue skies, no clouds, low humidity, and a light breeze. Temperatures are in the 70’s and all classes are meeting with HIGH expectations. The first class is always a big sales pitch to the girls (who can change classes if they don’t like how it goes). So the counselors work hard to make each class the most compelling and exciting class possible. They don’t want anyone to cancel, thus we compete to make every class a slam dunk; campers should anticipate returning to class the next day (we have an every other day schedule so most girls will do this class again on Thursday). We hope they will be inspired after each and every class… what a GREAT DAY! What a GREAT place!
Breakfast featured our famous home made biscuits, fried ham, baked apples, and cheese grits. Lunch will be Poppy Seed Chicken and dinner will be “Laura’s Pork Chops”. The girls go crazy over the fresh baked bread (we can smell it coming out of the oven already) and the salad bar will delight the “foodies” in the group. We will never eat better, more healthy food than at camp. Gervais and Alli are spectacular and we celebrate their skill, inspiration, and effort to always bring us the best.
One last thing… WRITE HAND WRITTEN LETTERS!!!! There is a sweet connection that arises from this simple form of communication, IF YOU CAN FIND THE TIME do it. You will be glad you did.