Meet the 2017 Group Leaders

Greystone could not run without our Group Leaders! They plan EP’s, stock Candy Shoppe, support our counselors, communicate with parents, dry a few tears, and join a few dance parties. They come to the rescue wherever they’re needed.

You are going to LOVE our Group Leaders for this summer - they are the cream of the crop. Ready to meet them?

Caroline Giraud

Advice to new campers: Get excited! It’s going to be the best summer. Everyone is so kind and so helpful - you’ll make friends right away!

Best part about being a Group Leader? Crashing cabin dance parties after call to quarters and getting to know an entire age group of campers. It’s so exciting to help campers and counselors have a great summer at camp.

Spririt Animal? Miniature pony - no special skills, but enjoyable to be around.

Job during the rest of the year? I’m Greystone’s funtern (fun intern)! From making the camp photo book to sending cool stuff in the mail to planning events for campers and counselors, I do a little bit of everything!

Mary Silliman

Advice for new campers? You just won’t believe how great this place is and how wonderful its people are! Get excited for an incredible summer in your new second home!

Best part about being a Group Leader? Lots of new friends, snazzy blue polos, walkie talkies, dance parties every night- so much to be excited about!! I hope I can help a group of campers and counselors have the best camp experience possible!

Spirit animal? Frenchie- gets highly excited about walks, loves a good siesta, and perks up at the thought of a treat.

Job during the rest of the year? I’ll be a senior at Washington and Lee University next fall!

Katherine Boda

Advice for new campers? Say hi to everyone because everyone wants friends!

Best part about being a Group Leader? Group leaders get to wear walkie talkies, so that’s pretty cool. Other than the walkie talkies, I am excited to hang out with campers AND counselors!

Spirit Animal? I took a spirit animal quiz, and I got the Prairie Dog because they thrive in community.

Job during the rest of the year? I just finished my Master of Arts in Management degree at Wake Forest Business School and am excited to spend this summer working at camp before I start a job in the Fall.

Katherine Rogers

Advice for new campers? Hang in there! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, confused, and even a little left out when you’re brand new to camp, but it’s important to remember that EVERYONE felt that way at one point. If you keep a positive attitude and an open mind, you’ll feel at home in no time!

Best part about being a Group Leader? To get to know all of YOU campers and to be part of a team that helps make the summer magical.

Spirit animal? A cat, because I’m quiet, mischievous, and I like to sleep a lot.

Job during the rest of the year? During the rest of the year, I’m an Early Childhood Education major at Clemson University. (GO TIGERS!)

Catherine Elbaum

Advice for new campers? Smile lots and take a big deep breath. We are SO glad you’re here!

Best part about being a Group Leader? Getting to encourage our incredible counselors and support them as they love their campers so well.

Spirit animal? Golden Retriever. Blonde, smiley, unathletic, and sheds a lot.

Job during the rest of the year? Head Counselor at camp! Living the dream.

Courtney Koenig

Advice for new campers? Get excited!!!! You’ll hear it again and again, but camp really is a little slice of heaven on earth, and you’re in for a treat! Not only is camp beautiful with the green grass, large open lake, and just camp as a whole, but the people are what make it. Everyone at camp is so inviting and excited to be there. On opening day you’ll get a tour of the camp, and by your first meal in the dining hall, you’ll feel as if you’ve been going to camp your whole life. The camp website is helpful with suggestions of what to bring and what to expect, but honestly you could show up at camp with what you’re wearing and you’d be good to go (my sister actually did that her first summer at camp!). Don’t stress, just get PUMPED!

Best part about being a Group Leader? I’m excited to have the opportunity to not only continue my relationships with previous campers and counselors I’ve been so blessed to get to know, but I’m even more excited to grow and reach out to other campers and counselors I haven’t had the chance to get to know thus far. I am thankful to do all that I can to help anyone who needs help every day, all day long!

Spirit Animal? I was a counselor out at Putt Cove for the past 3 summers, and we would always ask this question on the first day! Year after year people told me I reminded them of a chocolate lab, so I’ll say that. I do love chocolate labs and hope to have one or two myself one day.

Job during the rest of the year? I just graduated from the University of Georgia last week, so after this summer of being at camp, I’ll be moving to Atlanta, GA to start work as a healthcare consultant!

Neal Timberlake

Advice for new campers? Have a lot of fun and don’t take things to seriously! It’s going to be fun! And bring an extra toothbrush. Costumes are a uniform, not a suggestion.

Best part about being a Group Leader? Because I get to work with fabulous people and hang out with really cool counselors!

Spirit Animal? My spirit animal is a duck. Loves the land and the water - also eating bread.

Job during the rest of the year? I’ve been a barista this year (among other odd jobs), and I’m starting school for social work in the fall!