Bunks and Bedding - New Camper Blog Series

Another Tuesday means another week in our New Camper blog series. We hope these blogs are helping you as you prepare for your very first summer at Greystone. Only a few more weeks!

We get quite a few questions from moms of new campers about the bedding, bunking, and decorating situation at camp, so today we are going to talk all things bunk-related. We have changed a few things this year, making some of our bedding and bunking related information new to everyone; all of our Greystone families will be getting acclimated to these updates, just like you!

** Please note: make sure to read our new “Decorating” information below, as some of these pictures are used to show bedding options, but the decorations no longer fall within what we allow girls to bring.


Moving into your very own bunk bed is an essential part of the “life at camp” picture you probably have in your head. Every camper will have her very own bed at camp, and getting settled on Opening Day is one of the best parts of being a camper.

All of our beds are beautiful, custom-built wooden bunks that our campers just love. Each bunk bed has a personal, trunk-sized drawer for each camper, the perfect size for holding all of your clothes. Each bed also has a small shelf, and each camper will have a bunk hook that can hold your laundry bag, book bag, and raincoat.

Junior and August campers will have their beds assigned for them, making Opening Day a real breeze. When you arrive at your cabin on Opening Day, you will meet your counselor and then find your labeled bunk. It is so much fun to settle in to your new bed!

June and Main campers will be able to choose their bunks when they arrive at their cabins on Opening Day morning. After meeting your counselor, you can choose which bed you would like to sleep in for the summer (we don’t allow any bunk saving).


Your bunk will be made for you when you arrive; it will have a set of white camp sheets and a red jersey style blanket. The beds are set up “head-to-toe” (meaning that campers on the top bunk will not have their heads facing the same direction as campers on the bottom bunk), allowing for us to comply with health regulations.

Many of our campers will bring their own personal bedding, at least in some form or fashion. Some campers will just bring their own blanket, laying it on top of our camp blankets, making their bed extra warm and cozy. Some girls just bring stuffed animals and pillows, adding them to the camp bedding already on the bed. Other campers will bring a full bedding set-up, including their own personal sheets, twin comforter, multiple pillows, and stuffed animals. It is truly up to you how much personal bedding you would like to bring.

If you do bring your own personal bedding, two things to know:

  1. We can’t wash personal sheets, so for June and Main camps, bring 2 sets so you are ready when we change sheets halfway through the session.
  2. Please keep your bedding facing in the same direction so that you will still comply with our head-to-toe rule.


We have made some changes this year in terms of decorating your bunk space, so all of our camp families will be getting settled into our new routine. This year, you can bring bedding and pictures to decorate your bunk space; we ask that you leave everything else at home.

When you are thinking of bringing pictures, we see campers do a few different things:

  • Bring one or two photos in frames and put them on their bunk shelf.
  • Bring individual photos that are then hung on the head board or next to the bunk.
  • Make a small collage of photos on a small piece of poster board that can then be hung near your bed.
  • Attach photos to a small bulletin board that can sit on your bunk shelf or next to your bed.

It is truly up to you how you would like to bring your pictures; just know, many girls do bring some photos to remind them of home.

What can you not bring? We ask that you do not bring string lights (including battery operated ones) or extension cords. Both of these are fire marshal regulations and keep us in line safety-wise.

What goes on that bunk shelf?

Each bed has a small shelf that is perfect for all the personal items you would like to keep handy. Most girls will have books, their Bible, stationery, games or magazines for Rest Hour, a flashlight, and any other small things they would like to access quickly. If you are bringing a small personal fan (and many girls do), these usually sit on the shelf or clip-on near to the shelf.

Have any more questions on the bunk, bedding, and decorating process? Comment below and we will help you out! Until next week!