5 Ways to Pray for the Summer Now

At camp, we believe that prayer is powerful, and we try to pray as much as possible in our preparations for the summer. We’re already praying specifically for the 2017 staff and the story that the Lord is weaving together for camp this year.

Why not join us?

Join us in praying for…

  1. Our counselors. The Lord has put together an incredible staff for this summer. Let’s pray for endurance as they finish up their college semesters, for confidence in their summer plans, and for Jesus to soften their hearts and prepare them for their jobs at camp.
  2. Our campers. Pray for excitement for every girl who will come through Greystone’s gates this summer, that the Lord will work in them while they are here, and that they will see the gospel through camp.
  3. Safety for the summer. Pray that the Lord will watch over and protect us in all that we do. Pray for everyone to travel safely to Tuxedo, and for the Lord to guard us every minute while we’re here.
  4. The Directors. Let’s pray for wisdom for the Miller family and all the other directors as they make decisions for the summer and lead Greystone this year. Pray for the Lord’s guidance to be clear, and that we would lean on Him in everything we do.
  5. Greystone’s 98th summer. We know that God has big plans for this summer, so let’s pray that His will be done, and that everything we do here will be for His glory.