New Years Resolutions for the Greystone Girl

It’s the time of year where we all look back on 2017 and resolve to make 2018 even better. New Years Resolutions are famous for being broken (there’s even an official “Ditch Your Resolution Day” midway through January!), but no one is more qualified to see those goals through than you, Greystone Girls!

So make those goals, gather your team (hello camp friends!), and get ready to make this year YOUR year. To get your gears going, we’ve rounded up our top goal ideas.

2018, we’re coming for you!

Spiritual Goals

  • Read through the whole Bible. We love this app for a guided reading plan!
  • Start a prayer journal. Track your prayer requests, people you’re praying for, and prayers you’ve seen answered. What would be better than looking back at the end of the year through everything God has done in your life?
  • Read through a daily devotional with your cabin. Looking for a new devotional? We love New Morning Merices, All in All, and The Blue Book.
  • Find a community around you. Get involved in your Youth Group, YoungLife, or a Bible Study around you. Camp friends are wonderful, but it makes such a difference to have people near you that can encourage you in your faith!
  • Memorize a verse of scripture per week. One verse is easy - you can totally do it! Pin the verse to your mirror or fridge to make sure you see it every day.

Social Goals

  • Call one camp friend a week. You can make your way through the whole cabin by the time the summer comes again!
  • When you get your penpal this spring, write her, and write her a lot! Keep writing each other throughout the fall, too.
  • Reach out to one new person at your school per month. Ask her to hang out or work on a school project together. It’s so easy to stay within your circle, but you never know who is a best friend you just haven’t met yet!
  • Make a goal to be a blessing to others everywhere you go. Each room you walk into, look for people to love on, ways to serve, and things you can do to make it better. Imagine if every Greystone Girl did this - what a better place the world would be!
  • Take part in our Love Challenges. It’s not too late to get in on them, and we’ll have new challenges coming at you every month. Join us ins spreading the love we learned this summer!

Mental Goals

  • Try to read one book a month - or even more than that! Trade around book ideas with your camp friends - they have great suggestions.
  • Put down your phone! Spend more time face to face with people you love, and less time looking at a screen. Looking for some practical ways to do this? We’ve got you covered!
  • Ask questions. Jimboy teaches us in Breakfast Club to be curious about everything, and to always be learning, so take that skill home with you. Ask your grandparents how they met. Get your friend’s mom to tell you stories of when she was your age. Ask your postman what the best part of his job is. There are so many things to learn!
  • Try a new hobby, or teach a friend a skill you learned at camp. Make knitting a thing at your school, or bring cross stiching back to camp with you. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do? This year is the time to do it!
  • Make gratitude a habit. At the end of every day, write down 5-10 things you’re grateful for. You’ll be shocked at how it changes your overall outlook!

Physical Goals

  • Find exercise you enjoy! Don’t be afraid to look outside of the box! Rock Climbing? Walking dogs? Swing Dancing? Why not? Try out what you have in your area until you find something that you truly love. It’s out there!
  • Do your own Stumblers every week. Whether it’s at the gym or just around your neighborhood, challenge yourself to 3 miles. You can even reward yourself with a prize at the end!
  • Try a new class at camp this year. We all have our go-to activities that we take every year, but reach outside of your comfort zone, and take something you never would have tried otherwise.
  • Get together with camp friends in your area and do a 5k together. Extra points if you listen to camp music while you do it!
  • Teach your home friends a Greystone Groove or Zumba dance. You can get the music stuck in their heads like it’s stuck in yours all summer!

P.S. If you’re looking for a beautiful, useful, intentional way to keep track of your goals and motivate yourself throughout the year, we love Powersheets!