How Did Laura Get Here?

You know her as your favorite camp mom, the apple cart queen, and the one who reminds you to “wash, water, and screen!” but how did Laura become Laura?

She’s taking over today to answer all your questions. Pay attention, campers - this is prime camp game material! Take it away, Laura!

My best friend, Kari, talked me into coming to Greystone. My parents were happy to send me; my mom was also a Greystone girl!

My 1st summer was 1975, 3-week camp. I was in TU10 and Sue Liebig was my counselor. She was great and I loved camp right away!

When I was in the upper cabins, I knew I wanted to be a counselor. I had no idea that I would get to be here for this many years (this was my 42nd year!!) but God kept opening the doors for me to be able to return!

After I graduated from Converse, I worked at camp for the summer. I was getting married that fall, so I thought it would be my last summer ever. I cried like a baby!

I went to work at a furniture store, but still got to come back for part of the summer after. Then I got a job at our church pre-school. I taught school during the year and worked at camp in the summer. In 1992, I started working full-time for camp.

I always knew that I wanted to be a mom, but I was open to lots of ideas for a career.

I was just starting graduate school to get certified to teach when Libby and Jim hired me for year-round. I would never in a million years have thought I would get to be at camp, I am so glad God has better plans for us than we can even imagine!

I want to spend my time doing something of value. I believe that camp is a great way for girls to grow spiritually, in their self-confidence and ability to live with and get along with others.

The lessons here on unselfishness, higher ideals, and sharing the love of Christ are so important. I am grateful to be in a place doing important work that we pray glorifies God and helps girls grow to be their very best!