Fall Update

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The roads have been jam packed with tourists seeking the majesty of autumn colors in the Blue Ridge Mountains… and who can blame them? Fall is the prettiest time to visit this area. October is usually the best month to see the height of fall color around here, but this year most people were disappointed in the display. An unusually dry fall combined with unusually mild weather kept most trees from putting on a good show. Yesterday we had a huge rainstorm that brought 50 mph gusts of wind, taking most leaves off the trees even before they turned color. Oh well!

I did get out to catch a few photos to share with you and I must admit that even in a “bad” year, it really is quite lovely! Wish you could be here to enjoy a walk through tentalow row and maybe play a game of tether-ball. You would love seeing how strange everything is at camp in this quiet time of year. The dogs go absolutely crazy as they crash through big piles of crunchy leaves. The smell of burning leaves is heavy on the air as neighbors clean their yards… it brings back a flood of good memories spent cleaning up the yard this time of year.

We have been busy since camp ended. Most weekends saw RUF groups from colleges all around the country come to camp to enjoy their Fall Conference. RUF is a wonderful ministry and these groups were really blessed by their time at Greystone. Many students were introduced to Greystone for the first time… maybe some of them will be counselors next summer!

We have finised the carpentry portion of our renovation of Metal Jewelry, started painting the interiors of the cabins (Tentalow 1-4 will be done this week!), have prepared the Glass Beads Hut for a renovation, have packed up Glass Fusion for it’s move to Glass Beads, have planted 5,000 pounds of grass seed, washed the tennis courts (in preparation for their renovation), have turned off the ice huts, turned off the water in all of the camp buildings, and are getting ready for our first snow (which might arrive as early as next week!).

Thank you for checking the blog, I will update you on things from time to time.