
Last night’s Senior Celebration was such a delight. A celebration of friendships, of talent, of humor, of fun… a celebration that honored a wonderful group of campers in a way that we all thoroughly enjoyed.

The show began in an unexpected way (fairly normal at camp). A big rain storm hit just before the show, forcing the campers to run into the pavilion and find a seat in a flurry of activity and laughter. We couldn’t delay the start of the show (the radar showed this to be a completely local storm that would pass in 20 minutes) because it was going to be a jam packed program of great talent acts.

For the next 90 minutes the Seniors entertained us with act after act of camp fun. Wonderful acts touching on the breadth of talent that fill the Castle this year. We laughed, sang along, cheered loudly before and after each act, and delighted in the girls who have been our hero’s for the past four weeks.

The night was capped off with the “Queens Ball”, where fifteen girls were honored with a place on the “court”… they were given the traditional “Queens Plate” and a place on stage. Mary Butler Despain was crowned “The Queen of Love and Beauty” and the entire Senior group then had a special late night reception and devotion time with Dr. Margaret.

We are now set on a course that will end in six days with a huge banquet. Each night is a big event, each day filled with poignant moments of delight and nostalgia. Only at camp does 4 weeks translate into a stage of life. We will remember these days fondly, a fact of which we are already aware.

Our meals continues to astound: Lunch today will be a Thanksgiving Feast (imagine the aroma of roasting turkey and stuffing filling the camp) and Dinner will be poached salmon and roasted potatoes. The salad bar is an inspiration (about 1/2 to 2/3 of the camp hits the salad bar each meal), the pellet ice for our water bottles, the protein snacks, apple delivery at fourth period, and watermelon table after rest hour. We are legitimately being filled with good things as we exercise more than we ever have (the average camper walks 5 miles a day just going to classes!).

It is another hot day with no real chance of rain: so I expect it will rain hard at some point in the day! Tonight we will enjoy the Junior Play Production of “Aladdin”… and YOU CAN SEE IT TOO! Simply visit the Greystone Livestream to see the show. We begin broadcasting around 7:30 and will keep the show on the site for 24 hours (just in case you are unable to get service at the moment). Check it out if you are able, I bet you will be impressed!

We will be livestreaming some of the big shows this week (Watershow on Saturday and the Senior Play on Monday). Each are wonderful, but video really does not do the moment service! To be here is to be astounded!

Thanks again for reading the news and being such a wonderful encouragement and support to camp. We are grateful.